Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Young Bucks Abandon Twitter, Ryback Teases Big Move In 2020

The Young Bucks Abandon Twitter

One of AEW’s most prestigious tag teams The Young Bucks have decided that enough is enough and have left twitter for good. Just days ago, AEW’s Matt Jackson sent out a tweet that said, “I’ve had a fun time on this app for over ten years, but it’s time to finally hit the X. I’ll see you on BTE!”

Shortly after that, both the accounts of Matt and Nick saw all tweets get deleted as you can see in the below tweet from another user.

The Young Bucks’ father Matthew took to twitter over the weekend to offer an explanation as to why they went offline.

Some fans are not happy with this move by the Young Bucks and think that they are able to dish it out but not take it back in return. What do you think about this move by Nick and Matt? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Ryback Teases Big Move In 2020

Ryback has been talking about a return to pro wrestling for quite some time now. He was previously injured but looks to be all healed up and ready to get back in the ring.

Ryback mentioned months ago that he has an open invitation from WWE to have a sit down meeting at any point he feels ready but that doesn’t look like the only possibility for ‘The Big Guy’.

Ryback took to twitter this weekend to post a picture of a handshake with AEW’s Cody Rhodes with the cryptic message “2020 #FeedMeMore”. Where would you like to see Ryback end up next year? Let us know in the comments below.


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