ROH Wrestling Results (12/16/19): Tracy Williams and Mark Haskins vs. RUSH and Dragon Lee

The show replays a TK O’Ryan promo, where he talks about his recent struggles. He says he loves this company. He talks about his head injury and says he feels like a horse without a stable. He says he’s in a tough place and he doesn’t know if he can ever wrestle again. He says he can change the way he’s been behaving. He thanks the fans and says he loves them all. He says if he can return to the ring, he’ll do it as a man Ring of Honor can be proud of.

In a taped segment, Brian Johnson vows that it’s “Mecca versus everyone” and he’l prove it in 2020.

Lucha Tag Rules: LifeBlood (Tracy Williams and Mark Haskins) vs. RUSH and Dragon Lee (Replayed from ROH Unauthorized)

RUSH and Lee hug before the match. Lee and Haskins start the match and exchange technical holds. RUSH and Haskins tag in and match each other’s every step. LifeBlood takes control and grounds Lee. Haskins and Williams double-team Lee. Overkill stomps on Lee’s wrist and targets his arm. Haskins rocks Lee with a hard right hand. LifeBlood continues to dominate. Lee rallies and hits a slingshot kick on Williams. RUSH tags in and clears house. He rocks Williams with a knee to the head. RUSH and Lee strike a pose. The brothers gang up on Haskins and double-team him; RUSH kicks him in the face while Lee holds him. Lee and RUSH stomp on Williams. Haskins and Williams dive onto RUSH and Lee outside the ring. Lee rocks Williams and Haskins with stiff chops. Haskins and Lee trade stiff strikes and Lee plants him with a Brainbuster. RUSH hits Bull’s Horns on Williams for the win.

Winners: RUSH and Dragon Lee

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RELATED: ROH Final Battle Fallout Results From Philadelphia (12/15)


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