WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (11/20/19)

WWE NXT Results
November 20, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Backstage, William Regal is standing in front of a closed locker room door. With security guards. The door swings open and Becky Lynch walks out. Regal and Lynch exchange smiles. Lynch stomps her way to the ring.

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch says it’s been a while since the NXT Universe has watched her kicks someone’s ass live. Lynch takes off her leather jacket, Lynch says HHH sent out an open invitation but “The Man” was coming here tonight anyway. Lynch mentions that all Bayley has done is complain about being overshadowed. It isn’t Lynch fault that Bayley is a champ with Lynch is THE champ. Lynch focuses on Shayna Baszler but the crowd drowns her out with “Shayna’s gonna kill you” chant. Lynch says she is here to remind Baszler exactly who the hell Lynch is. Lynch says Baszler can bring “Mary’ or “Jessica” if she doesn’t feel safe. Rhea Ripley interrupts. Ripley says it’s time to see if The Man has a set of balls.

Becky Lynch vs. Rhea Ripley

Lynch floors Ripley after a shoulder block. Ripley falls to the outside. Ripley picks Lynch up in the electric chair position. Ripley drops Lynch face-first on the ring apron. Ripley stomps Lynch in the corner. Basement dropkick by Ripley. Lynch and Ripley trade strikes. Lynch lands a series of kicks. Lynch goes up top. Ripley cuts Lynch off and tosses her off the top. Lynch counters Ripley’s suplex into a DDT. Lynch runs right into a flapjack. Lynch kicks out at two. Lynch surprises Ripley with an enziguri. Irish Jam by Lynch. Ripley kicks out. Ripley rolls up Lynch. Lynch reverses it into the DisArmHer. Ripley almost counters into a powerbomb but Lynch reverses it into a ranna. Lynch goes back up top. Ripley cuts Lynch off. Superplex by Ripley. Baszlers, Duke, and Shafir hit the ring and attack Lynch and Ripley.

Winner- No Contest

After the match, Lynch saves Ripley from a running knee by Baszler. Lynch and Ripley fight off Duke and Shafir.

Backstage, The Revival arrive. Security escorts them into the arena.

WWE NXT Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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