AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (11/13/19)

AEW Dynamite Results

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The night kicked off with a recap of the Full Gear Pay-Per-View. We saw a recap of the main event along with a video package of Kenny getting medically evaluated and being told that he is not cleared even though Jon Moxley is.

Jon Moxley vs. Michael Malazan

Moxley beat Nakazawa down in the corner and after a few revisions, a quick Paradigm Shift DDT put this match away.

WINNER: Jon Moxley

After the match, Moxley cut a promo. He said he is not a liar and he did exactly what he said he would to Kenny Omega.

He called Kenny “one radical son of a bitch” and said he respects him. he said he doesn’t think anybody else in the locker room will have the balls to step in the ring with them. He threw out an open challenge but said that whoever wants to face him next is going to need to kiss their loved ones goodbye.

The Dark Order is out next.

The Dark Order vs. Jurassic Express

Marko Stunt started off with Evil Uno. There were quick exchanges and Jurassic express hit a poetry in motion type of tumbleweed maneuver.

Eventually, Uno and Marko stand became the legal men. Marco tried to get off some hits but Uno just dropped him with a headbutt. A commercial break would see Grayson, now without a first name, take control over the smaller man.

Some good false desperation tags by the Jurassic Express as Marko continued to be worked over. Ross said that Marko Stunt is like a Slinky.

Jungle Boy Jack Perry finally became a legal man and hit the ring like a house of fire. Jungle Boy tagged out quickly but some good tandem offense kept the babyfaces in control. The Dark Order hit the outside as Jungle Boy went for a dive and got cut off.

Dark Order scored the win with The Fatality.

WINNER: Dark Order

Dark Order cut a promo on Marko and praised his heart but said that if he joins the Dark Order he can have a purpose.

Jungle Boy put a stop to that and then the creepers jumped Jurassic Express! Out comes the dinosaur to make the save! Luchasaurus returns and run through the creepers. We even took out three creepers at once with a spin kick. The announcers put over the return huge.

Shawn Spears is out next!

Shawn Spears vs. Darby Allin vs. Peter Avalon

The Librarian Peter Avalon tried to Splash on to both men and they just simply moved out of the way and began fighting each other after disposing of him.

Darby went for a dive but got cut off by Spears.

Joey Janela came out and brawled with Shawn Spears to the backstage.

Darby Allin would get the win over The Librarian with the coffin drop.

WINNER: Darby Allin

After the match, Darby Allin accepted the open challenge of Jon Moxley. Commentary seemed to allude to this match taking place next week.

Nyla Rose vs. Danny Jordan.

A quick squash match for the Native Beast who won with her sit out powerbomb.

The commentary team announced that next week will be host to the first-ever Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal with the last two men standing to fight for a chance to earn a diamond ring.

Allie tried to cut a promo with Tony Schiavone but became the next victim of Awesome Kong and Brandi Rhodes.

Chris Jericho out next.

AEW Dynamite Results Continue On The Next Page!


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