AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (11/6/19)

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PAC vs. Trent

The match began with chain wrestling between both competitors. Action quickly spilled to the floor. PAC got in the face of Orange Cassidy. Back in the ring, PAC and Trent exchange counters and evasions.

PAC went for a slingshot DDT but Trent countered with a Northern Lights suplex. action once again spilled to the outside again. Trent was tossed into the barricade and had his throat slammed over the railing.

Back in the ring, PAC hit his Superman Plancha before getting Trent back in the ring and taking control of the match once more.

PAC hit a German Suplex for two. A jawbreaker counter sent Trent back outside. PAC  went for another Plancha but was stopped by Orange Cassidy who is now in the ring. Cassidy hit the phony kicks and the crowd popped. Cassidy would eat a pump kick and that would do it for him.

Trent would regain control and get a two count on a Dudebuster DDT. Ultimately, PAC would hit the Black Arrow and the referee would horribly botch the pinfall so PAC would win with the Rings of Saturn.


After the match, PAC said he would make an example out of Adam Page on Saturday.

Up Next: Cody’s announcement!

Cody put over the arrival of the Inner Circle faction. Cody said that their arrival was strategic. Says they took a scalpel to the Elite. He says that’s fine because The Elite were looking for opponents for a very long time that could directly match up to them.

Cody then went off mentioning names that were both bookers and top superstars throughout history. he says he understands the criticisms that are coming his way. Therefore, he says his announcement is that if he loses, he will never challenge for the World Title again.

Then, he cuts a promo on Jericho. Calls Jericho a stupid dick. proclaims that Jericho needs the younger generation more than the younger generation needs Jericho. He promises to defeat him and he says when The Elite and The Inner Circle finally square off it will be “a match beyond.”

AEW Dynamite Results Continue On The Next Page!


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