AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (11/6/19)

Private Party vs. Dark Order

The match starts with Evil Uno and Marq Quen quickly Isaiah Cassidy and Stu Grayson get tagged in. Party hits a camel clutch double stomp combo

Grayson would take over and hit an Eddie Guerrero like topé on the apron.

Back from break, The Dark Order prevented Private Party from getting a tag. They continued to get the better of the smaller tandem and Stu Grayson would launch Marq into Isaiah in the corner. Swantown bomb attempt would only get two for the Dark Order. same can be said for a demolition decapitation elbow.

Private Party would eventually get the win with the Gin & Juice.

WINNERS: Private Party. Therefore, they will be added to the tag team championship match at AEW Full Gear. it is now a triple threat between them, the Lucha Bros and SCU.

A great comedic vignette aired featuring Chris Jericho, the Inner Circle, and the legendary Virgil.

Jamie Hayter and Emi Sakura vs. Shanna and Riho

Riho and Sakura start us off. Riho goes for a 619 and gets hit with a backbreaker. Hayter sends us to commercial with a pair of German Suplexes. Late in the match, Shanna hits a hurricanrana on Sakura and a Sliced Bread 2 for only a two.

Throughout the match, Sakura tried to get the crowd into her Freddie Mercury schtick. Some back-and-forth cover attempts between Riho and Emi lead to Sakura pinning Riho with a cradle.

WINNERS: Jamie Hayter and Emi Sakura

Brandon Cutler vs. Shawn Spears

Shawn Spears dominated the bulk of this match as they announce team put over the relationship between Tully and Spears. A brief flurry of kicks was all that Brandon Cutler could get. A Death Valley Driver quickly put Cutler away. after the match, Joey Janela saved Cutler from a chair beating by Spears.

Janela could be heard calling Blanchard a name. (I heard “old cuck/fuck”)

Adam Page & Kenny Omega vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara

The match starts with Sammy Guevara and Kenny Omega chain wrestling. Sammy tries to get fancy but some stiff chops from Kenny cut that off real quick.

Omega hits a jumping back elbow in the corner and the back Suplex and tags in Adam.Sammy counters a suplex and Adam quickly counters with a Death Valley driver attempt which gets countered into an enzugiri attempt.

Adam hits a fallaway slam with a pin attempt for two. Jericho gets tagged in. Adam starts strong but Jericho quickly turns the tide and levels him with some mounted punches.

Jericho suplexes Page and tags Sammy. Sammy tries to please his leader but gets countered on a Suplex attempt.Later, a double tag makes Kenny and Sammy legal. vicious chops from Omega and a Moonsault get Omega two.Jericho and Jake Hager would cut Omega off on his suicide dive attempt. As we get sent to commercial.

During the break, Jericho would stay on top of Kenny. Jake Hager would also get in a cheap shot.Back from break, Jericho is still in control. hangman would get in the ring and chaos would ensue.

Tope con hiro would take out Hager and Guevara.

PAC would interfere and hit a low blow on Page which would allow Jericho to hit the Judas Effect for the win.

WINNERS: The Inner Circle.

After the match, all hell breaks loose, Jon Moxley shows up with a barbed wire bat, Chris Jericho would brawl with Cody Rhodes. Jake Hager would brawl with MJF.

Santana and Ortiz would attack Omega and Moxley. Everybody was brought to close the show with Nick Jackson hitting a wild dive onto everybody from the top of the entrance tunnel.

Jim Ross announces that something has to give before the show goes off the air with everybody continuing to fight.

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