MLW Saturday Night SuperFight Results (11/2/19): Jacob Fatu vs. LA Park

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Low Ki

Low Ki slaps Pillman to start the match. Pillman chops his chest and Low Ki gives some chops back. Low Ki chops Pillman again but Pillman rocks him with an uppercut. Low Ki locks in a Figure Four headlock but Pillman hits him with a dropkick. Pillman nails a powerslam for a two count.

Low Ki hits some knees to the head and rocks Pillman with an elbow. Pillman drills Low Ki with a springboard clothesline. Low Ki blasts Pillman with a kick to the head and the referee separates the competitors. Pillman gets back to his feet and asks Low Ki for more punishment. Low Ki drills him with a somersault heel kick and knocks him out.

Winner: Low Ki

After the match, Low Ki says he taught Pillman a lesson and extends his hand. Low Ki helps Pillman to his feet and they hug.

A video package announces that MLW has formed a partnership with AAA.

“Filthy” Tom Lawlor vs. Timothy Thatcher

Thatcher and Lawlor lock up and exchange hard-hitting strikes. Lawlor locks in a guillotine choke but Thatcher drives him into the barricade. Thatcher and Lawlor trade submission attempts. Some stiff knees rock Lawlor. They trade open-handed strikes. Thatcher puts Lawlor in a leg-lock but the former champion turns it around on him. The former MLW World Heavyweight Champion locks in a Figure 4 but Thatcher reaches the ropes. Thatcher clubs Lawlor with some strikes. Lawlor hits an airplane spin and turns it into a slam.

Thatcher tries to lock in an arm-bar but Lawlor escapes. They exchange clubbing blows again before Thatcher suplexes Lawlor. Lawlor hits a suplex and tosses Thatcher into the barricade. Some nasty chops from Lawlor ring throughout the arena. Thatcher its an open-handed strike to the face and suplexes Lawlor for a near fall. Thatcher puts Lawlor in an arm-bar but Lawlor escapes and hits him with a German suplex. Lawlor demolishes Thatcher with a clothesline and hits a Tombstone for a near fall.

Lawlor suplexes Thatcher for a two count. A series of stiff strikes and the rear naked choke get Lawlor the victory.

Winner: “Filthy” Tom Lawlor

After the match, Lawlor calls Thatcher one of the best talents in the world. Lawlor says he can do whatever he wants; he could go after the belt or go after anybody. Lawlor says, no matter what, MLW is going to stay filthy.

A video package hypes up the Stairway to Hell match.

MLW Saturday Night SuperFight Results continue on the next page.