Collective GCW

GCW Worst Behavior ’19 Results (8/22) Sasuke vs. Deppen, Colon vs. Takeda, Invisible Man In Action

THIRD MATCH: KTB vs. Daisuke Sekimoto

They lock up. KTB locks in a side headlock. They trade shoulder tackles. Sekimoto headbutts KTB. KTB dropkicks Sekimoto. Sekimoto rolls to the floor. KTB hits a suicide dive to the outside.

KTB rolls Sekimoto back in the ring. They trade holds. They trade chops. KTB dominates Sekimoto. KTB hits a bodyslam. KTB climbs to the top rope. Sekimoto grabs him from the top rope and hits an atomic drop. Sekimoto hits a spear. Sekimoto dominates KTB in the corner. Sekimoto hits a delayed suplex. Sekimoto covers for two.

Sekimoto locks in a Single Leg Crab. KTB powers out. They trade chops. Sekimoto corners KTB and hits Machine Gun chops. KTB hits an ineffective lariat. Sekimoto hits an ineffective lariat. They trade lariats. KTB hits a huge lariat. KTB covers for two.

Sekimoto blocks a suplex. Sekimoto hits a headbutt. Sekimoto hits a series of elbows. KTB ducks an enzuigiri. KTB hits a back suplex. KTB covers for two.

Sekimoto counters a powerbomb with a back body drop. They trade blows. Sekimoto hits a lariat. Sekimoto climbs to the top rope. Sekimoto hits a frog splash. Sekimoto covers for two.

KTB hits a big boot. KTB hits a sitout powerbomb. KTB covers for two. KTB puts Sekimoto on the top rope. They battle on the top rope. KTB hits an Avalanche Death Valley Driver. Sekimoto counters Beastsault. Sekimoto hits a huge crossbody to the back. Sekimoto hits a German Suplex for the pinfall in 11:14.

WINNER: Daisuke Sekimoto

After the match, they shake hands.

FOURTH MATCH: Jun Kasai, Toshiyuki Sakuda & Takashi Sasaki vs. Markus Crane, SHLAK & Eric Ryan

Complete mayhem to start. Everyone brawls on the outside. Complete clusterfuck. There’s biting and punching and elbows. Kasai and Ryan get in the ring and throw elbows. Kasai hits a spinning kick. Ryan pulls a fork out of his pocket and jams it in Kasai’s forehead. Ryan grabs a bunch of lighttubes but Kasai hits a lariat, breaking the tubes.

Now Sasaki and SHLAK face off. Sasaki tries and fails repeatedly to take SHLAK off his feet. SHLAK hits a double clothesline on Sasaki and Sakuda. SHLAK press slams Crane out of the ring and onto Sakuda and Sasaki. Sakuda gets rolled back in the ring. Sakuda German Suplexes SHLAK onto a steel chair. SHLAK counters a piledriver by hitting an Alabama Slam on Sakuda onto a bunch of lighttubes. Sasaki breaks the submission by breaking a chair on SHLAK’s head. Crane and Sasaki trade blows. Crane grabs a fishing pole. Sakuda breaks up the attack.

Sakuda grabs piercing needles and puts them through Crane’s cheeks. Sasaki hooks the fishhook in Crane’s mouth. Sasaki pulls, like Crane is a fish he caught. Sasaki dogwalks Crane around the ring and then pulls him onto the ropes. Sakuda hits a huge kick to the back of the head and covers Crane. Sakuda tags Kasai, who sprays Crane with Strong Zero. Kasai whips Crane around by the face and bodyslams him on a bunch of broken glass. Kasai tortures Crane with the piercing needles. Sasaki tags in.

Sasaki kicks Crane in the face. Sasaki grabs a board covered in forks and a board covered in lighttubes. Crane fights back and pulls the needles out of his face. SHLAK and Sakuda tag in. SHLAK cuts Sakuda with a buzzsaw blade. SHLAK chokes Sakuda. Sasaki low blows SHLAK. SHLAK drives skewers into Jun Kasai’s forehead. SHLAK hits Sasaki with a German Suplex and a Lariat. Ryan tags in.

Ryan hits a cannonball into Kasai and his skewer-filled forehead. Ryan tries to suplex Kasai on the fork board. Kasai suplexes Ryan on the fork board. Everyone beats up Eric Ryan. SHLAK breaks up a nearfall. Crane hits Sakuda and Sasaki with a riot shield covered in lighttubes. Kasai piledrives Crane. Kasai bodyslams Ryan. Kasai drapes a lighttube board over Ryan. Kasai climbs to the top rope. Kasai hits a diving body splash. Kasai covers for two. Kasai hits a Butterfly Piledriver for the pinfall in 12:26.

WINNERS: Jun Kasai, Toshiyuki Sakuda & Takashi Sasaki

After the match, Sakuda flipped off Kasai and Sasaki, so they beat the hell out of him.