EVOLVE 10th Anniversary Results And Coverage – Two Title Changes, Paul Heyman & Johnny Gargano Appear

NXT Championship Match

Adam Cole (c) vs. Akira Tozawa

Tozawa kicks Cole in the head and heads up top, but Cole sweeps his legs and Tozawa’s head snaps on the turnbuckles on the way down. Cole hits a neckbreaker and taunts Tozawa, kicking him in the back of the head before claiming he’ll be NXT Champion forever. Tozawa gets Cole on his shoulders and hits a sitout slam, then follows with a seated kick and a tope suicida into the barricade. Tozawa goes for one more but Cole walks away, but Tozawa sees it coming and ends up redirecting and hits a senton, but his leg gets stuck in the guardrail.

Cole gets Tozawa back in the ring and hits a lungblower for two, then Tozawa connects with an enziguiri and fakes Cole out and hits a delayed punch. Cole comes back with some strikes and gets his title, but Johnny Gargano comes out and taunts him, leading to Tozawa getting a near fall. Tozawa hits a suplex and a 360 enziguiri, then he heads up top and goes for a senton. Cole gets his knees up and hits Panama Sunrise, then hits the Last Shot for the win.

Winner – Adam Cole

Gargano gets in the ring and calls Cole out, but Cole leaves without incident and talks trash on his way backstage. Gargano gets a mic and asks the crowd to give it up for Tozawa, then says he remembers how much he really loves wrestling every time he steps foot in this building. He says they used to close EVOLVE shows with a particular question and asks if they remember, then asks Tozawa to help him out. Tozawa asks if they enjoyed the show, then Gargano puts over the locker room and asks the fans to support the new stars. He thanks them for helping him live his dream, then he tells the crowd he loves them and wraps things up.