WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (7/9/19)

Backstage, Reigns says his team is going to win this Sunday.

Tag Team Championship Summit

Big E. says this isn’t the three-way he expected to be in. Daniel Bryan and Rowan interrupt. Bryan says every time New Day wins the title no one takes them seriously. Woods says they don’t want to talk to Bryan. They want to talk to Rowan. First Rowan was taking orders from Bray, then Harper, now Bryan. Woods is having trouble keeping track of who Rowan’s daddy is. Tucker and Otis interrupt. Tucker tells Bryan they earned this title match. Otis says they are blue collar strong… or something.

Xavier Woods vs. Otis vs. Bryan

Bryan rolls out of the ring. Otis tosses Woods across the ring. Bryan hops on Otis back. Otis shrugs Bryan off. Woods tries to suplex Otis but he can’t get Otis up. Bryan tries to help. Otis delayed vertical suplex on Bryan and Woods. Rowan attacks Woods on the outside. Rowan tries to double iron claw Tucker and Big E. Big E. and Tucker push Rowan over the commentary desk. The referee tosses Rowan, Big E., and Tucker from ringside.

After the break, Woods floors Bryan with a missile dropkick. Woods tries the honor roll but Bryan reverses it into the LeBell Lock. Otis breaks up the submission. Bryan and Otis trade strikes. Otis bodyslam Bryan. Woods attempts the slingshot DDT but Otis counters into a suplex. Otis caterpillars Bryan. Bryan rolls under the bottom rope. Woods superkicks Otis. Woods gorilla press gutbuster Bryan. Otis popup power slams Woods for the win.

Winner- Otis


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