Michael Elgin vs. Texas Champion Moonshine Mantell
Moonshine and Elgin lock up. Neither man can get leverage. Elgin tells Moonshine to charge him. Moonshine lands multiple shoulder blocks but Eglin doesn’t go down. Elgin and Moonshine trade clotheslines. Belly-to-belly by Moonshine. Elgin kicks out. Elgin trips Moonshine into the corner. Back suplex by Elgin. Moonshine kicks out. Elgin whips Moonshine into the corner. Moonshine and Elgin trade strikes. Elgin runs into a spinebuster. Moonshine falls into the corner. Moonshine fires up and lands a death valley driver.
Elgin manages to kick out. Moonshine and Elgin clothesline each other at the same time.m Elgin drops Moonshine with a roaring elbow. Deadlift German suplex hold by Elgin. Moonshine kicks out at 2.9. Elgin and Moonshine each struggle to suplex each other. Moonshine eventually suplexes Elgin. Elgin hits a superplex. Moonshine stuns Elgin with another kick out. Elgin almost walks right into the Alabama slam. Elgin escapes. Moonshine destroys Elgin with a lariat. The North runs down to ringside. Page distracts the referee as Alexander tosses the Impact tag title into the ring. Elgin hits Moonshine in the head with the title for the win!
Winner- Michael Elgin
Impact 3 ROW- 2
.@MoonshineMantel catches @MichaelElgin25 and slams him to the mat!
WATCH HERE: https://t.co/sWu6SEiYN7#DeepIMPACT pic.twitter.com/9Y7gmoYipn
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 7, 2019