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ROH Best in the World Results (6/28/19)

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship: Villain Enterprises (c) vs. PJ Black, Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams

Villain Enterprises refuses to shake hands with the challengers. Scurll and Haskins start the match and try to outwrestle each other. Black and PCO tag in. Some kicks don’t impact PCO and the big man refuses to go down. King and Williams tag in. Williams strikes King and the champion fires right back with chops of his own. King isn’t phased by Williams’ strikes and Scurll tags in. He kicks Williams in the face and gets a stiff knee from Haskins. King takes down Haskins and Williams with a senton off the apron. PCO dives onto them, too.

King and PCO team up on Williams. Villain Enterprises gang up on Hot Sauce and isolate him. Williams suplexes King and tags in Haskins, who drops Scurll with some strikes. The challengers dominate Scurll. The Villain tags King, who clears house. He slams Black onto Williams and hits a running senton onto them both. PCO dives onto Williams and Black. Haskins kicks out after an assisted German suplex. Williams nearly gets the win with a frog splash on PCO. Williams and Haskins dive onto Scurll and King. The challengers almost pin PCO after a piledriver. Black and Scurll tag in and exchange blows. Black superkicks PCO and Scurll. PCO clotheslines Black out of the ring. Williams powerbombs the French Frankenstein on the apron. King hits a somersault plancha to the outside. Scurll blocks a moonsault from Black and PCO hits a moonsault for the win.

Winners and still ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions: Villain Enterprises

The Soldiers of Savagery attack Haskins and Williams after the match but Bandido makes the save until he’s attacked by Bully Ray. Flip Gordon fends Ray off with a kendo stick. Haskins offers Gordon a Lifeblood shirt and he puts it on. The lights go out and Scurll congratulates Lifeblood. He takes the opportunity to reveal the newest member of Villain Enterprises: Flip Gordon. Gordon kicks Bandido and dodges an attack from Haskins and Williams. Villain Enterprises returns to ringside and confronts Lifeblood. Both teams brawl and the Villains leave Lifeblood lying. Gordon hits a 450 splash on Williams through a table.

ROH World Championship Match: Matt Taven (c) vs. Jeff Cobb

Cobb and Taven shake hands. Chops don’t phase Cobb, who gives one back to Taven. Cobb tosses the champion out of the ring. Taven escapes a suplex and tries to lock Cobb in a sleeper hold. Cobb tosses Taven over his head and throws him down again. Taven hits an armbreaker on the apron and hits a suicide dive. The champion targets Cobb’s arm but the challenger dodges a frog splash. Cobb hits Snake Eyes and slams Taven with one hand. The challenger hits a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Cobb plants Taven with two more suplexes. Taven nails Cobb with three hard knees to the head. The champion hits the Climax for a near fall. Cobb hits another suplex but Taven hits another Climax for the win.

Winner and still ROH World Champion: Matt Taven

Want to talk about how awesome PCO is or just chat about wrestling? Follow me on Twitter @ct_2110!

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