WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (5/20/19)

In Ring Segment: Lars Sullivan

Charly shows footage of Sullivan destroying everyone. Charly asks Sullivan what his goals are here. Lucha House Party hits the ring and manages to knock Sullivan out of the ring. Sullivan gets his bearing and destroys each member of LHP again.

Ricochet vs. Cesaro

Cesaro tosses Ricochet high in the air with a huge back body drop. Ricochet catches Cesaro with a moonsault off the ring post. Ricochet is clutching at his injured back. Ricochet tries a dive but Cesaro catches Ricochet and drops him on the ring apron back first. Cesaro pops Ricochet into the air. Ricochet stands on Cesaro’s shoulders and does a backflip Dive by Ricochet. Nasty backbreaker by Cesaro. Cesaro hits the Gotch Neutralizer for the win!

Winner- Cesaro

Backstage, AJ Styles says last night wasn’t his night. Styles says he can beat Rollins. Baron Corbin walks in and makes fun of Styles. Corbin says it’s a slap in the face that Styles got a title shot and Corbin didn’t Styles says that wasn’t a slap in the face, this is. Styles slaps Corbin in the face. Corbin says Styles will pay for that one.

In Ring Segment: Roman Reigns

Before Reigns can speak, Shane McMahon walks out and tells Reigns that he is done with the Miz and all of Shane’s attention is now on Reigns. Shane says he wants Reigns to pay for what he did to Vince McMahon. Shane says he isn’t going to waste his time with Reigns tonight. Shane brings out Drew McIntyre. Shane says he accepts Reigns challenge, but for Super Showdown. not tonight.

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