will ospreay
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Best of Super Juniors: Night 4 Results (5/16)

EIGTH MATCH: Will Ospreay (2) vs. Rocky Romero (0)

They shake hands. They lock up. They trade some flips. They break.

They lock up. They trade holds. Rocky gets Will on the ropes and breaks clean. They unleash a flurry of offense. Romero pays homage to La Sombra. Romero sends Ospreay out of the ring. Romero rolls Ospreay back in the ring.

Romero corners Ospreay. Romero hits a snapmare. Romero hits a sliding dropkick. Romero covers for two.

Romero maintains dominance. Ospreay fights back. Ospreay hits a Tiger Feint Kick and gets a nearfall. Ospreay uses his strength advantage to pummel Romero. Ospreay bodyslams Romero and hits a jumping double knee drop. Ospreay covers for two.

They trade blows. Ospreay corners Romero. Romero and Ospreay trade chops and kicks. Romero counters a brainbuster. Romero locks in Octopus Hold. Ospreay gets to the ropes.

Ospreay regains dominance. Ospreay knees Romero in the back. Ospreay locks in a chinlock. Ospreay driver the knee in the back again. Ospreay goes back to the chinlock. Romero fights out.

They trade chops. Ospreay sends Romero to the canvas with a vicious chop. Romero hits a Satellite DDT. Ospreay counters a hurricanrana. Romero counters a Penalty Kick. Ospreay takes out Romero. Romero takes out Ospreay with a Penalty Kick. Romero attacks Ospreay’s arm. Romero hits a Springboard Hurricanrana. Ospreay slides out of the ring. Romero hits a Tope Suicida.

Both men get back in the ring. Romero hangs Will on the top rope and kicks him repeatedly. Romero hits a springboard double stomp to the back. Romero covers for two.

Romero attacks the arm. Ospreay fights back valiantly.Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay covers for two. Romero slides out of the ring. Ospreay hits Space Flying Tiger Drop.

Ospreay gets Romero back in the ring. Both men trade vicious strikes. Ospreay fells Romero. Romero counters Osscutter with Diablo Armbar. Ospreay fights to the ropes.

Ospreay hits a roundhouse kick. Romero hits a rebound enzuigiri. Ospreay hits a step up enzuigiri. Ospreay hits a corner back elbow. Romero dodges a Shotgun Dropkick. Romero hits Forever Lariats. Romero counters Stormbreaker. Romero hits a lariat. Romero hits Shiranui. Romero covers for two.

Ospreay hits a Buckle Bomb. Ospreay hits 1916. Ospreay covers for two. Romero counters Stormbreaker with a series of rollups. Ospreay counters Shiranui. Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Romero counters Stormbreaker with a hurricanrana. Romero covers for two.

They trade elbows. Ospreay drops Romero with a stiff shot. Romero unleashes a flurry of offense. Romero hits a jumping knee. Romero hits a huge strike. Ospreay hits a kick. Romero locks in Diablo Armbar. Ospreay powerbombs out of the move. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay climbs to the top rope. Ospreay hits a Shooting Star Press. Ospreay covers for two. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for the pinfall in 25:45.

WINNER: Will Ospreay (4pts)


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