will ospreay
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Best of Super Juniors: Night 4 Results (5/16)

SEVENTH MATCH: BUSHI (0) vs. El Phantasmo (2)

BUSHI points a finger gun at Phantasmo’s head, so Phantasmo bites his fingers. Phantasmo hits a dropkick. Phantasmo rolls up BUSHI for two.

Phantasmo stomps on BUSHI’s hand. ELP does a ropewalk. BUSHI knocks Phantasmo to the apron and then dropkicks him to the floor. BUSHI hits a springboard hurricanrana to the floor. BUSHI slams ELP on the apron. BUSHI rolls him back in the ring.

BUSHI chokes ELP with his shirt. ELP hits a t-shirt assisted neckbreaker. Phantasmo stomps on BUSHI. ELP gets BUSHI in a Tree of Woe and stomps at his abdomen. ELP stands on BUSHI’s crotch. ELP maintains dominance.

BUSHI fights back. BUSHI hits a second rope hurricanrana. ELP dodges a corner elbow and smacks BUSHI’s chest. ELP Too Sweets BUSHI in the face.

BUSHI counters. BUSHI hits a Missile Dropkick. BUSHI does BUSHIroonie. BUSHI hits a DDT. BUSHI covers for two.

ELP blocks a Codebreaker. ELP hits a Torture Rack Neckbreaker. ELP covers for two. ELP hits an Asai Moonsault. ELP covers for two.

BUSHI crotches ELP on the top rope. BUSHI hits a Hurricanrana. BUSHI covers for two.

ELP counters MX with a superkick. BUSHI rolls out of the ring. ELP hits a Tope Suicida. ELP gets back in the ring. ELP hits a Tope Suicida. ELP rolls BUSHI back in the ring.

ELP climbs to the top rope. ELP hits a diving body splash. ELP covers for two.

BUSHI counters CR II. BUSHI hits a ropehung DDT on the apron. ELP dodges a spinning Neckbreaker. ELP hits CR II for the pinfall in 10:31.

WINNER: El Phantasmo (4pts)