WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (5/1/19)

Earlier this week, Bianca Belair confronts  Mia Yim at the Performance Center. After the two exchange words, Belair walks away.

Dominik Dijakovic vs. Mansoor

Mansoor ducks Dijakovic big boot attempt. Mansoor lands a chop but Dijakovic shakes it off. Mansoor lands a ranna that sends Dijakovic into the corner. Mansoor leaps off the top but Dijakovic catches him in midair. Dijakovic tosses Mansoor over the top rope like a bag of trash. Dijakovic sends Mansoor back into the ring. Tossing release suplex by Dijakovic. Mansoor kicks out. Second rope splash by Dijakovic. Mansoor kicks out yet again. Mansoor fires up and lands a few strikes. Mansoor stands on Dijakovic’s knee, then hits a leaping enziguri. Dijakovic kicks out. Mansoor dives of the top but Dijakovic boots him right between the eyes. Dijakovic obliterates Mansoor with Feast Your Eyes for the win.

Winner- Dominik Dijakovic

After the match, Velveteen Dream is carried out on the stage on a couch. Dream sings his version of the star spangling banner which was basically just him dumping on everyone he has beaten over the last few months. Dream tells Dijakovic that this is his NXT.

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