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Four AEW Signings Announced In Latest ‘Being The Elite’

AEW announced four new signings in the only way they know how. During an episode of “Being The Elite”, the company officially welcomed Peter Avalon, Leva Bates, and Private Party to the company.

Peter Avalon is known for good character work, wrestling before this in Championship Wrestling from Florida. In the video, Avalon is promoted as Matt Jackson’s pick to play a character known as The Librarian.

Cody Rhodes would prefer that Leva Bates play the librarian. The women’s competitor may be known to NXT fans as Blue Pants, a recurring local talent who got over thanks to creative mic work from Pre-Crisis Enzo Amore.

Leva wasted no time promoting her talents, posting a video on Twitter displaying her skill with the “gimmick”.

While Private Party isn’t competing to keep books, they are a promising young tag team trained out of Amazing Red’s House of Glory promotion in New York City.

The full episode of Being The Elite is embedded below in case you need the full details on #TheLibrarian:

“Dead Friend 1” - Being The Elite Ep. 148

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