josh barnett
Photo by Michael Tullberg/Getty Images

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Minoru Suzuki & Barnett Put On A Barnburner

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport took place earlier today. View our full results for the fun card that aired on FITE.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Phil Baroni vs. Dominic Garrini

“The New York Badass” had a successful wrestling outing as he took out Dominic Garrini in short order by TKO. However, Baroni was DQ’d afterwards due to getting into it with the referee.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Simon Grimm vs. JR Kratos

The first bout of the night was a mat-based affair and Kratos dominated the match early on due to his size advantage. He was able to keep Grimm’s back to the mat for most of the bout and eventually got back control. However, an armbar attempt led to Grimm getting up and then landing some ground-and-pound. However, it wasn’t long until Kratos got up and he ended the fight with a diving punch while Grimm was on the ground.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Killer Kross vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. had a quick start and took Kross to the ground. He worked his way to full mount but was reversed into his own guard by Kross. However, a heel hook attempt led to both men nearly rolling out of the ring. The fight was restarted on the feet but the action quickly went back onto the ground. Smith Jr. had an armbar attempt, but Kross once again rolled out of the ring and received a break from the referee. Davey Boy again took his opponent down and started to advance positioning. Once again, a shoulder lock was applied but Kross was able to get his leg outside the ring and received a stand-up. Kross then got one of his first dominant positions and got the back of Smith Jr. He then got on top and started delivering some great ground-and-pound. However, Smith Jr. stayed active and was able to gain a positional edge by getting on top and delivered several knees to the head. Once on the feet, Kross delivered several great leg kicks until he was swept by Davey Boy. The duo then started to deliver slaps to the face to one another in an attempt of showmanship. Kross was tired of the games and delivered a high kick and then a devastating backdrop driver to gain an edge. However, that wouldn’t last as Davey Boy locked on a painful looking submission and got the tap.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Jon Gresham vs. Masashi Takeda

There is a significant size difference between the two men with Takeda looking much larger. However, the smaller fighter was able to get his foe to the ground and after a few scrambles, showed that he had a grappling advantage. Gresham eventually got full mount, but Takeda managed to force a break by bucking his opponent over the edge of the mat. Takeda then took his opponent down and during a scramble both men fell off the edge onto the floor. This opened up Takeda’s forehead. The two brawled outside at first but eventually got back in. Gresham took advantage of his opponent’s fiery temperament and found himself in north-south position. However, Takeda was able to get to his feet and then hit a flying armbar that looked tight until Gresham got out of it. On the feet, Takeda hit several blows and then a devastating knee to knockout Gresham.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Andy Williams vs. Chris Dickinson

Most matches have been ground battles, but this started with a wild brawl. Williams then hit a huge power bomb to take it to the mat. However, this left Willams tired and Dickinson was able to get to his feet. A scramble allowed Williams to hit a knee and then get back on top. Williams locked in an armbar but couldn’t keep the position. This led to Dickinson getting the back of Williams and he locked in a rear-naked choke that forced the tap.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Dan Severn vs. Frank Mir

Frank Mir came out wearing Bellator MMA shorts. Phil Baroni then came into the ring and attempted to amp up the former UFC Heavyweight Champion. Then Dan “The Beast” Severn came out. Even at 60, Severn was in good shape. The two mixed martial arts trailblazers hooked up and Severn got an early advantage by getting into side-control. However, Mir, a BJJ black belt, got back to his feet without issue. Severn would then throw his opponent but got caught in an armbar attempt by Mir. However, Severn defended well and got into his opponent’s guard. Mir then went for a heel hook that forced Severn to tap.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Hideki Suzuki vs. Timothy Thatcher

The Japanese fighter has a significant size advantage here. However, Thatcher’s technical prowess impressed early and he eventually got top position on his opponent. A few devastating looking knees on the ground left Suzuki vulnerable and Thatcher was attempting to get an armbar. However, Suzuki worked his way out of it and then worked the leg of Thatcher. After a few fun grappling exchanges, Suzuki found himself working the smaller fighter’s ankle and went for a heel hook. However, Thatcher’s palm strikes and a pair of headbutts allowed him to get out of the position. Suzuki then hit a soccer kick to Thatcher that looked like the end of the fight, but he was still conscious. Somehow, Thatcher then hit a modified enzuigiri to get back into the bout. Both men became visibly exhausted but kept battling through it by hitting uppercuts on one another. Thatcher then hit an incredible looking suplex and then got side-control. He hooked a kimura, but Suzuki got to his feet. The end finally came after Suzuki delivered a vicious double underhook suplex that knocked out Thatcher.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport Results | Minoru Suzuki vs. Josh Barnett

Suzuki is ridiculously over. Crowd has been excited the whole card but Suzuki vs. Barnett actually has a big fight feel unlike the rest. The two MMA legends lock up and Barnett is able to clasp his hands together around Suzuki’s waist. He takes the Japanese fighter down. He loses back control as Suzuki reverses. The two have some fun scrambles and are back on the feet. Suzuki locks in a leglock but Barnett gets out of it and scrambles back on top. He gets into side-control and searches for a kimura. He turns it into an armbar but is countered. Suzuki gets his back and starts applying a chinlock. Barnett escapes but then finds himself in a rear-naked choke. Suzuki locks it in, but Barnett is able to gain control of his opponent’s arms.

The former UFC Heavyweight Champion then hooks in an armlock. This proves futile and Barnett stands Suzuki up. However, he can’t deliver a throw as Suzuki takes him down and hooks in a head-arm choke. Wow! Barnett shows his power and gets out of it by slamming Suzuki. Incredible. Suzuki was trying to sit up but took a kick from Barnett, who is now in mount. Suzuki regains half-guard and then hooks in a leglock of his own. Barnett is screaming in pain but gets control of the Japanese fighter’s arms. Suzuki readjusts and then starts delivering punishment on the feet. He hits a brutal elbow that drops Barnett to one knee. Easily the best match of the night so far.

The two have a wild exchange on the feet that sees Barnett hit a knee to Suzuki’s head and then hit a huge throw. Suzuki then gets an advantage, hits a huge knee to the body and attempts a piledriver. Barnett escapes and then gets the back of Suzuki. The ref checks to see if Suzuki is still awake and he keeps his arm up after it drops the first two times. Suzuki then gets out by hitting a throw of his own. Suzuki falls out of the ring due to exhaustion, and slowly gets up. He grabs a chair from the audience but it’s zip-tied together. He’ll have to fight this battle legitimately.

Barnett hits some great leg kicks and Suzuki falls out of the ring. He then punches the referee, hits Barnett with a chair and then Barnett delivers a huge kick. He gets it back into the ring and then delivers several knees to Suzuki’s head. Barnett gets a headlock on Suzuki and then hits a huge throw on his opponent. The referee finally gets up and he doesn’t disqualify Suzuki. There are only three minutes left and both men are on their knees delivering elbows. Both men get to their feet and Suzuki starts smiling sadistically. He embraces Barnett before elbowing Barnett, his opponent then gives one back. The Pancrase founder and the former UFC champ start trading even more blows. The crowd is going wild in appreciation. The two hit headbutts and there is only 60 seconds left. It looks like we’re headed to a draw as both men slap each other with the remainder of their energy. Only 30 seconds left! They are going out on their shield and brawl to the finish. What a match!

It’s a time limit draw … But wait! Crowd chants for five more minutes to which the fighters agree. Barnett delivers a devastating rolling kick but Suzuki stands up right afterward. Suzuki takes a German suplex, tries to stand up and falls to the ground. Barnett hooks in a rear-naked choke and Suzuki tries to battle out of it. Barnett is screaming “Go to sleep!” at his opponent, but Suzuki bites his arm! He’s out of the submission hold and then locks in his own leglock. He lets go and then tells Barnett to stand! “I am a man,” declares Suzuki. The two begin trading elbows! There are only two minutes left. The two trade submission holds but Barnett eventually goes for another suplex. He can’t lift his opponent, though, and Suzuki manages to get another leglock attempt. The two are in dueling leglocks and time expires for a second time. It’s a time limit draw.