johnny gargano
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Johnny Gargano And Chuck Taylor Reminisce On Past WWE Tryout Rejections

Professional wrestling has its up and downs even for some of the most successful stars. NXT star Johnny Gargano went to Twitter to talk about how he keeps his rejection email from a 2015 WWE tryout and how he uses it for motivation.

“I still have my rejection email from my WWE tryout back in 2015,” wrote Gargano. “I look at it from time to time to remind myself how far I’ve come and why any of this happened to begin with. I didn’t take “no” for an answer. I fought for a chance, but I couldn’t do this by myself.

“It didn’t matter if it was a dark match in Full Sail or my [first] TakeOver at the Barclays Center. You chanted ‘Johnny Wrestling.’ You believed in me and they listened. We fought together to make any of this happen. We will fight to make one last dream come true in New York.”

Chuck Taylor also got a rejection email, and the All Elite Wrestling star even shared it.