MAIN EVENT: New Japan Cup Second Round Match: Kazuchika Okada vs. Mikey Nicholls
They lock up. They trade holds. Okada takes Nicholls to the ground. They trade holds. They fight to their feet. Okada gets Nicholls on the ropes. Nicholls slaps Okada.
They lock up. Okada hits a sliding dropkick. They go back to chain wrestling. Nicholls locks in a headlock. Nicholls maintains dominance. Both men trade headlocks. Nicholls sends Okada to the floor and punishes Okada’s back. Nicholls gets Okada back in the ring. Nicholls hits a delayed suplex. Nicholls covers for two.
Nicholls drives his knee into Okada’s back. Nicholls batters Okada. Nicholls locks in a side Crab. Nicholls transitions to a Single Leg Crab. Okada gets to the ropes.
Nicholls stomps on Okada’s back. Nicholls body slams Okada. Okada dodges a jumping knee drop. Okada hits a running uppercut. Okada hits a series of forearms. Okada hits a back elbow. Nicholls slides out of the ring. Okada hits a plancha. Okada rolls Nicholls back in the ring.
Okada hits a corner back elbow. Okada hits a DDT. Okada covers for two.
Okada body slams Nicholls. Okada climbs to the top rope. Nicholls counters a dive with a gutbuster. Nicholls covers for two.
Okada blocks a Fireman’s Carry. Nicholls hits a huge strike. Nicholls covers for two.
Okada counters Mikey Bomb. Okada hits a flapjack. Nicholls dodges a corner back elbow. Nicholls counters Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker. Okada hits a dropkick. Okada hits a Missile Dropkick. Okada covers for two.
Okada slams Nicholls. Okada hits a diving elbow drop. Nicholls counters Rainmaker. Nicholls puts Okada on the top rope. Nicholls hits a superplex. Nicholls hits a Death Valley Driver. Okada counters a sliding lariat. Okada and Nicholls trade counters. Nicholls hits a lariat to the back of the head. Okada hits a dropkick. Nicholls counters Rainmaker with a Spinebuster. Nicholls hits a sliding lariat. Nicholls covers for two.
Nicholls hits a Diving Moonsault. Nicholls covers for two. Okada hits a Satellite Headscissors. Okada and Nicholls trade counters. Okada hits Rolling Rainmaker. Okada hits Rainmaker. Okada covers for the pinfall in 17:25.
WINNER: Kazuchika Okada