Photo Credit: AXS TV

New Japan Cup Night 2 Results (3/9) Okada In Main Event, Ospreay/Fale, More

EIGHTH MATCH: New Japan Cup First Round: Bad Luck Fale vs. Will Ospreay

Ospreay hits a Shotgun Dropkick to start. Fale pummels Ospreay and throws him into the corner. Ospreay counters a running strike and continues to throw blow after blow at Fale. Jado trips up Ospreay’s momentum. Ospreay gets on the apron. Fale knocks him to the floor. Fale distracts the referee and Jado uses the cane on Ospreay. Fale exits the ring and beats down Ospreay. Fale slams Ospreay’s back into the ringpost. Fale hurls Ospreay into the barricade. Fale gets back in the ring. Ospreay struggles back into the ring.

Fale stands on Ospreay’s back. Fale maintains dominance with brutal blows to the back. Ospreay fights back but Fale puts the kaibosh on that with huge strikes. Fale stretches Ospreay’s neck. Fale covers for two.

They trade blows. Fale throws Ospreay into the turnbuckle. Fale stands on Ospreay’s back. Fale continues to assault the neck and back on Ospreay. Fale covers for two.

Ospreay fights back. Ospreay hits a Handspring Rebound Enziguiri. Ospreay pummels Fale in the corner. Ospreay hits a running back elbow. Ospreay hits a dropkick to a seated Fale. Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay hits a series of mid kicks. Ospreay counters Grenade. Ospreay hits an enziguiri. Ospreay sends Fale to the canvas. Fale hits a corner splash. Fale hits a huge splash. Fale covers for two.

Ospreay fights back. Ospreay attempts an Osscutter, but Fale pulls the referee in the way. Ospreay goes crashing into the referee. Ospreay tries a handspring but Jado cracks him with the cane. Jado gets in the ring. Ospreay fights off the double team. Ospreay hits Jado with the cane. Ospreay beats Fale with the cane. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. Fale counters Osscutter. Fale hits a Spear. Fale hits Grenade. Fale covers for two.

Ospreay counters Bad Luck Fall with a Hurricanrana. Ospreay covers for the pinfall in 11:30.

WINNER: Will Ospreay