jay white
Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

NJPW 47th Anniversary Show Results (3/6) Champion vs. Champion Main Event

MAIN EVENT: Anniversary Day Special Singles Match: Jay White vs. Will Ospreay

Ospreay rushes White. White retreats out of the ring. White gets back in the ring.

They lock up. Ospreay gets White on the ropes. They break. White gets Ospreay on the ropes. Ospreay ducks a lariat and locks in a headlock. They trade shoulder tackles. White slaps Ospreay. White chops Ospreay’s chest. Ospreay hits a shoulder tackle. White rolls out of the ring. Ospreay feigns a dive and poses.

Ospreay hits a dropkick. Ospreay hits a pescado. Ospreay sends White into the barricade. Jado gets in Ospreay’s way. White ambushes Ospreay. White dodges a Phenomenal Forearm. White hits a Saito Suplex on the floor. White gets back in the ring. White rolls out of the ring. White suplexes Ospreay into the ringpost. White gets back in the ring. Ospreay gets back in the ring.

Ospreay hits a series of elbows. White hits a gutbuster. White hits a Pumphandle Gutbuster. White covers for two.

White punishes Ospreay’s ribs. White hits a Saito Suplex. Ospreay rolls out of the ring.

White sends Ospreay into the barricade and the ring apron. White rolls Ospreay back in the ring.  Ospreay chops away on White. White hits a Front Suplex into the turnbuckle. White covers for two.

White locks in a torturous hold. White and Ospreay trade blows. White counters the handspring enziguiri. Ospreay hits an enziguiri. Whit counters Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay hurricanranas White out of the ring. Ospreay hits Space Flying Tiger Drop.

Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay hits a handspring enziguiri. Ospreay hits a standing Corkscrew Moonsault. Ospreay covers for two.

White counters Stormbreaker. Ospreay hits a series of kicks.  Ospreay sends White out of the ring. Ospreay hits tope suicida but White sends Ospreay into the barricade. White gets back in the ring. Ospreay gets back in the ring.

White hits a Death Valley Driver. White covers for two. White stomps away on Ospreay. Ospreay hits Cheeky Nandos. Ospreay gets White in the Tree of Woe and slaps the snot out of him. White counters Stormbreaker. Ospreay counters Blade Runner. White hits a Complete Shot/German Suplex. Ospreay hits a Spanish Fly. They trade elbows. White knees Ospreay in the gut. White punishes Ospreay with elbow strikes. Ospreay fights back. Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Ospreay hits a second rope Iconoclasm. Ospreay covers for two.

White dodges Osscutter. White counters Stormbreaker. Ospreay hits a series of kicks. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. White counters Osscutter with a Crucifix. White lays in vicious MMA Elbows. Ospreay counters Blade Runner. Ospreay hits Hidden Blade. Ospreay goes for a second Hidden Blade but Gedo gets in the ring. White low blows Ospreay. White hits a Half & Half Suplex. White hits Bloody Sunday. White covers for two.

Ospreay counters Blade Runner with Liger Bomb. Ospreay covers for two. Ospreay climbs to the top rope. Ospreay hits 054 Splash. Ospreay covers. Jay White grabs the bottom rope.

White counters Stormbreaker. Ospreay counters Blade Runner. Ospreay hits a series of kicks. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. White counters Osscutter with Blade Runner. White hits a second Blade Runner for the pinfall in 29:07.

WINNER: Jay White

After the match, Kota Ibushi stopped Jay White from attacking Ospreay. This led to all of Bullet Club beating up Kota. Okada, Tanahashi & Goto ran Bullet Club off, saving Ibushi and Ospreay.