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NJPW 47th Anniversary Show Results (3/6) Champion vs. Champion Main Event

FOURTH MATCH: IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Match: Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI & Shingo Takagi) (c) vs. Roppongi 3K (SHO & YOH)

SHO and Shingo start the match. SHO pummels Takagi swiftly. Takagi fights back. Both men trade lariats.

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YOH manipulates Takagi’s leg. SHO tags in. SHO and YOH wishbone Takagi.

SHO punishes Shingo in the corner. SHO hits a knee to the gut. SHO hits a kick to the back. They trade blows. SHO hits a shoulder tackle. Takagi fights off a double team and hits Pumping Bomber on SHO. Takagi throws SHO out of the ring. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

BUSHI tags in. BUSHI removes his shirt and chokes SHO with it. YOH breaks it up. Takagi and BUSHI double team YOH. SHO and BUSHI exchange chops. Takagi tags in.

Takagi dominates SHO. They trade blows. Takagi hits a lariat. SHO counters a suplex. SHO hits a spear. YOH tags in.

YOH hits BUSHI with a Dragon Screw. YOH hits Takagi with a corkscrew forearm. Takagi fights back. YOH dodges a knee drop. YOH hits a dropkick to the knee. YOH hits a Dragon Screw. YOH locks in a Figure Four Leglock. SHO locks BUSHI in an armbar. Takagi gets to the ropes.

Takagi counters a Dragon Suplex. Takagi hits a Pop Up Death Valley Driver. BUSHI tags in.

BUSHI hits a Missile Dropkick. YOH counters a Fisherman Neckbreaker. They trade blows. YOH hits a Uranage Backbreaker/Neckbreaker. SHO tags in.

SHO hits a suplex. SHO covers for two. BUSHI counters a Deadlift German Suplex. SHO hits a dropkick.

[stream died briefly]

SHO and BUSHI trade blows. BUSHI hits a Tope Suicida on YOH. SHO counters Pumping Bomber with German Suplex. BUSHI mists SHO. Takagi hits Pumping Bomber on SHO. BUSHI and Takagi hit Revelucion. BUSHI covers. YOH breaks up the pinfall.

SHO dodges MX. SHO counters a Codebreaker into 3K for the pinfall in 16:51.