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Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Courtney Rose

Honor Rising Night 1 Results (2/22) Three Title Matches

SEVENTH MATCH: Ring of Honor World Television Championship Match: Jeff Cobb (c) vs. Hirooki Goto

They lock up. They trade holds. Cobb gets Goto on the ropes. They break.

They lock up. Goto gets Cobb on the ropes. Goto breaks and chops Cobb’s chest.

Cobb locks in a headlock. They trade shoulder tackles. They trade elbows. Cobb hits a shoulder tackle. Cobb hits an uppercut. Cobb hits a dropkick. Cobb covers for two.

Cobb maintains dominance. Goto counters a corner splash. Goto lariats Cobb out of the ring. Goto hits a lariat. Cobb falls to the floor.

Goto beats up Cobb at ringside. Goto suplexes a Young Lion onto Cobb. Goto rolls Cobb back in the ring.

Goto hits a snapmare. Goto hits a soccer kick. Goto covers for one. Goto locks in a chinlock. Goto attacks Cobb’s face. Goto keeps Cobb grounded. Goto locks in a headscissors. Goto transitions to a crossface. Cobb powers out.

Goto hits a Russian Leg Sweep. Goto locks in an Octopus Stretch. Cobb fights to the ropes.

Goto stomps on Cobb. Goto maintains dominance. Goto hits a Spinning Wheel Kick. Goto climbs to the top rope. Cobb dodges an elbow drop. Cobb pummels Goto. Cobb hits a corner uppercut. Goto dodges a second. Cobb hits a deadlift Belly To Belly Suplex. Cobb hits a Moonsault for two.

Cobb hits a deadlift German Suplex. Cobb hits a Deadlft Saito Suplex. Cobb covers for two.

Goto hits a lariat. Goto hits a lariat. Goto hits Ushiguroshi. They trade lariats. Goto hits a giant lariat. Goto hits a Buzzsaw Kick for two. Cobb counters GTR. Goto hits Reverse GTR. Goto covers for two.

Cobb counters GTR. Cobb rolls up Goto for two. Cobb hits Tour Of The Islands for the pinfall in 13:52.



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