WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results 1.26.19

NXT Women’s Championship: Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Bianca Belair

Bianca Belair tried everything she could and looked really strong surviving multiple interferences from the Horsewomen But ultimately the match would end due to a referee stoppage so while she didn’t give up Bianca did suffer the first loss of her NXT career.
Winner and Still Champion: Shayna Baszler

NXT Championship: Tommaso Ciampa (c) vs. Aleister Black

The match started off with some chain wrestling and some kneeling on Black’s hair by Ciampa. Black would go for Gargano’s’s draping DDT which Ciampa would get out of and be on the receiving end of a tope.

Ciampa targeted the leg of Black but Black would get some decent kicks in including a kick whilst Ciampa was in a seated position on the top rope.

Black would hit a German suplex for two. He then tried to go for Black Mass but would be unable to complete due to the injury. Ciampa would hit a Tower of London, a draping cutter, on the apron. Still, Black would kick out.

The rivals exchanged strikes with Black hitting multiple V-Trigger knees.

Aleister Black kicked out of two Fairytale Endings and Ciampa hot it two more times following a missed Black Mass and Ciampa gets the win.

After the match, Johnny Gargano met Tomasso on stage with their belts.

Winner and Still Champion: Tommaso Ciampa

Helluva match with amazing psychology that you don’t often see in modern WWE.

Thank you for following along. NXT has set the bar high on this Royal Rumble weekend.

Want to chat about tonight’s show or just give me a hard time? Follow me on Twitter @dudefelice!