WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (12/26)

Ryker w/The Forgotten Sons vs Mitch Taverna

Taverna tries to fire up but Ryker destroys him with a spine buster. Ryker gets the win after a slingshot powerbomb.

Winner- Ryker

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Undisputed Era (c) vs Heavy Machinery 

Knight takes down Strong. O’Reilly tags in and lands a few leg kicks on Knight. Strong and O’Reilly sends Knight into the corner but Knight explodes out of the corner and clotheslines Strong and O’Reilly. Dozer tags in a take-out both Strong and Knight. Dozer tosses Strong around the ring. Knight and Dozer double shoulder block Strong. Dozer and Knight land double overhead suplexes on Strong and O’Reilly. Strong tries to suplex Knight on the apron but they both land out on the floor. Knight hits the floor hard. O’Reilly and Strong take turns beating down Knight.

Knight tags in Dozer, who clears the ring. Caterpillar by Dozer. Knight and Dozer hit the Hoss-Toss. O’Reilly breaks up the pin. Knight misses a top rope moonsault. Strong misses a running knee. Dozer runs over Strong. Dozer turns Strong inside out with a lariat. Strong kicks out. Dozer goes up top. Strong cuts Dozer off with a step-up enziguri. Strong sets up a superplex. O’Reilly joins in for a mini tower of doom. Dozer kicks out. O’Reilly knocks Knight off the apron. Axe and Smash by O’Reilly. Dozer kicks out. High/Low by Stong and O’Reilly for the win.

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, The Undisputed Era!


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