WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (12/11): Asuka Stands Tall, Daniel Bryan Makes a Statement, Final Hype For WWE TLC, More

In Ring Segment: Randy Orton

Orton is in the ring with a steel chair. Orton shows the footage from his various beatdowns of Rey Mysterio. Orton says Mysterio is a victim… Orton’s victim. Mysterio appears behind Orton and hits him with a chair. Mysterio dropkicks a chair into Orton’s face. Mysterio hits the 619. Orton runs away.

Backstage, Becky Lynch says she doesn’t have any advantages going into TLC but Lynch loves it.

US Champion Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe vs Jeff Hardy and Rusev w/Lana

Before the match can start R-Truth and Carmella come out and have a dance break. Nakamura kicks Hardy in the back as he is distracted. Joe tags in and elbows Hardy in the back of the head. Joe and Hardy end up outside of the ring. Joe sends Hardy into the barricade. After the break, Joe floors Hardy with an enziguri. Rusev breaks up the pin. Nakamura and Joe take turns beating down Hardy. Hardy surprises Joe with the whisper in the wind. Hardy tags in Rusev, who destroys Nakamura with a lariat. Rusev lays in a few knee strikes before sending Nakamura clear across the ring with a fallaway slam. Spinning wheel kick by Rusev. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Joe. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Rusev catches Nakamura with the Machka Kick for the win.

Winners- Jeff Hardy and Rusev

Backstage, Shane yells at Miz. Miz asks Shane to be his partner again. Shane walks away.

Backstage, AJ Styles says this isn’t a new Daniel Bryan. It’s the real Daniel Bryan. Styles is going to do whatever it takes to get his title back.

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