WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (12/4): Daniel Bryan Viciously Attacks AJ Styles, Asuka And Charlotte Flair Team-Up, The Miz In Action, More

Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy

Hardy attacks Orton as soon as the bell rings. Orton tries to rip off Hardy’s ear again. Hardy dumps Orton to the outside. Orton and Hardy fight outside the ring. Hardy takes a page out of Orton’s book by suplexing Orton on the announce table. After the break, Hardy sorta hits the whisper in the wind. Hardy lands an atomic drop followed by a leg drop to Orton’s groin. Orton hits the hangman’s DDT. Orton calls for the RKO. Hardy avoids it. Hardy tries the Twist of Fate but Orton almost turns that into the RKO.

Hardy goes up top but Orton cuts Hardy off. Orton sets up a superplex. Hardy drops Orton face first on the turnbuckle. Hardy finally lands the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes up top again. Orton rolls out of the ring. Hardy baseball slides Orton into the announce desk. Hardy clears off the announce table. Hardy suplexes Orton onto the announce table again. Hardy goes up top. Samoa Joe appears on the ‘tron. After the distraction, Orton hits the RKO for the win.

Winner- Randy Orton

After the match, Joe delivers an anti-alcohol PSA from a bar Hardy used to go to.


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