Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

NJPW World Tag League Results (12/2) World Tag League Continues

FIFTH MATCH: Jeff Cobb & Michael Elgin (8 pts) vs. The Bestie (Chuckie T & Beretta) (10 pts)

Cobb and Chuckie start the match. Chuckie lock in a side headlock. Chuckie hits a series of ineffective shoulder tackles. Cobb sends Chuckie to the canvas. Chuckie hits a series of corner lariats. Chuckie and Beretta double suplex Cobb. Beretta tags in.

Besties hit a double elbow drop. Cobb fights back. Elgin tags in.

[stream died briefly]

Cobb suplexes Chuckie. Elgin passes Beretta to Cobb. Cobb suplexes Beretta. Elgin covers for two.

Elgin corners Beretta. Cobb tags in. Cobb hammerthrows Beretta into the turnbuckle. Cobb covers for two.

Cobb hits a headbutt. Elgin tags in. Beretta and Elgin exchange blows. Elgin dominates Beretta. Elgin hits a back elbow. Cobb tags in.

Cobb headbutts Beretta’s ribs. Cobb hits a rough elbow. Cobb throws Beretta into the corner. Cobb hits a lariat. Cobb covers for two.

Cobb hits a Fallaway Slam. Beretta blocks a standing moonsault. Chuckie tags in and cleans house.

Chuckie hits a dropkick. Chuckie hits a plancha on Elgin. Chuckie hits a plancha on Cobb. Chuckie gets Cobb back in the ring.

Chuckie hits a high knee. Chuckie hits a Shiranui for two. Chuckie hits a diving double stomp for two.

[stream died briefly]

Elgin hits a superplex. Cobb hits a standing moonsault for two. Elgin tags in.

Chuckie blocks a Powerbomb. Chuckie hits a Hurricanrana. Elgin hits an enziguiri. Chuckie hits Sole Food. Beretta tags in. Beretta hits a Tornado DDT. Beretta dodges a German Suplex from Elgin. Cobb hits Beretta with a German Suplex. Cobb hits Beretta with another suplex. Elgin pummels Beretta. Beretta hits an enziguiri. Elgin hits a superkick. Elgin hits a Tiger Driver for two.

Chuckie runs in and hits an enziguiri. Elgin hits Chuckie with a rolling elbow. Beretta hits Elgin with a Gobstopper. Elgin slides out of the ring. Beretta goes for a suicide dive but Chuckie starts throwing chairs around. Chuckie starts beating Elgin with a chair for the disqualification.

WINNERS: Jeff Cobb & Michael Elgin (10 pts)

After the match, Chuckie attacked Elgin and Cobb. This time he didn’t punch Beretta so I guess he’s ok?