SEVENTH MATCH: World Tag League Tournament Match: CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano) (10 pts) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL & SANADA) (10 pts)
SANADA starts by rolling Yano around the ring. SANADA ends with a roll up for two. Yano gets a Small Package for two. Yano hits a drop toe hold. Ishii hits a forearm. Ishii tags in.
Ishii chops away on SANADA. SANADA fights back. EVIL trips Ishii. SANADA hits a sliding dropkick. EVIL pulls Ishii out of the ring. SANDA ties Yano in the ropes. EVIL slams Ishii into the back wall of the venue. Ishii grabs a chair. The ref takes the chair. LIJ double team Ishii.
SANADA rolls Ishii back in the ring. SANADA dropkicks Yano out of Paradise Lock. EVIL tags in.
EVIL maintains dominance over Ishii. EVIL hits a spinning side slam for two. SANADA tags in.
SANADA hits a back elbow. Both men counter each other’s brainbuster attempt. Ishii ducks a lariat and finally hits a brainbuster. Yano tags in.
Yano removes the turnbuckle pad. Yano taunts and ducks a lariat. Yano hits SANADA with a turnbuckle pad. Yano tries for Paradise Lock. SANADA counters with Paradise Lock. SANADA hits Yano with the turnbuckle pad to break the hold. SANADA covers for two. EVIL tags in.
Yano rakes the eyes and hits a Belly To Belly Suplex. Ishii tags in. Ishii and EVIL exchange shoulder tackles. Ishii wins the battle. Ishii hits a Saito Suplex. SANADA breaks up the pin. Ishii gets a nearfall.
EVIL counters a piledriver. EVIL hits a huge lariat. EVIL covers for two.
EVIL signals for Magic Killer. Ishii fights out. EVIL counters a lariat with a German Suplex. SANADA hits a springboard dropkick. EVIL hits Darkness Falls for two.
EVIL hits a lariat. Ishii hits a bigger lariat. Ishii hits a sliding lariat for two. EVIL counters a Brainbuster. Ishii counters STO. Both men exchange headbutts. SANADA tags in. Yano tags in.
Yano hits an inverted atomic drop. Ishii hits a lariat. Yano hits a rollup. EVIL breaks the pinfall. EVIL hits a lariat. Ishii breaks up Magic Killer. Brawl erupts. SANADA rolls up Yano with a Japanese Clutch for the pinfall.