hiroshi tanahashi
Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

NJPW World Tag League (11/28) Okada & Tanahashi Team In Main Event

FIFTH MATCH: World Tag League Tournament Match: Dick & Balls (Hangman Page & Yujiro Takahashi) (6 pts) vs. Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) (8 pts)

Page and Tama start the match with a flurry of offense. Takahashi tags in. Tanga Loa tags in.

Takahashi fights off the double team. Page pulls Tama out of the ring. Yujiro hits a suicide dive on Tama. Yujiro sends Tanga out of the ring. Yujiro goes for another dive but gets cracked by Jado at ringside. Tama throws Yujiro out of the ring. Jado beats up Takahashi with a cane. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Tanga Loa throws Yujiro Takahashi into the ring. Tama hits a brainbuster. Tama Tonga hits a corner splash. Tanga Loa tags in.

Tanga Loa bodyslams Yujiro. Tanga Loa hits a backdrop. Tanga Loa covers for two.

Tama maintains dominance. Yujiro dodges a corner splash. Yujiro hits a Fisherman Buster. Page tags in.

Page hits a Fallaway Slam on Tama. Page hits a pescado on Tanga. Page sends Tama out of the ring. Page hits a suicide dive on both men. Page gets Tama back in the ring.

Page climbs the top rope but Tanga stops him. Yujiro helps Page. Page hits a lariat for two.

Page climbs the top rope but gets stopped by Tanga again. Tanga Loa hits Page with Apeshit on the apron. Tanga Loa throws Page back in the ring.

Tanga Loa hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Page & Takahashi fight off a double team. Yujiro hits Tama with a hot shot. Yujiro hits Tanga with a sliding lariat. Tanga counters Pimp Juice. Page hits a Buckshot Lariat for two.

Tanga Loa counters Rite of Passage. Page counters a Gun Stun. Tanga Loa hits a lariat. The Tongans hit Magic Killer for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Guerrillas Of Destiny (10 pts)