WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (11/28): Keith Lee Takes On Lars Sullivan, More

Backstage, Tommaso Ciampa gloats about still being the NXT Champion.

Keith Lee vs Lars Sullivan

Lee and Sullivan take turns pushing each other. Sullivan laughs. Sullivan charges into Lee. Lee doesn’t budge. Lee tries a leapfrog but Sullivan catches him in midair. Sullivan drives Lee into the corner. Lee fights out of the corner. Sullivan runs over Lee. Sullivan tries a slam but Lee escapes. Lee blast Sullivan with a sick crossbody. Sullivan kicks out at one. Lee tries a slingshot but Sullivan catches Lee with a knee as he sailed through the air. Sullivan spears Lee in the corner. Sullivan atomic bombs Lee. Lee kicks out at one. Basement clothesline by Sullivan. Sullivan hits a middle rope diving headbutt. Lee kicks out again. Sullivan lays in a few crossface strikes. Sullivan puts Lee in a rear chin lock.

Lee drives Sullivan into the corner to break the hold. Sullivan grabs Lee and locks the hold back in. Lee escapes yet again. Sullivan clotheslines Lee in the corner. Lee dodges Sullivan’s corner spear attempts. Sullivan eats the turnbuckle. Lee fires back with strike after strike. Lee gets a near fall after a slingshot crossbody block. Sullivan and Lee trade punches. Lee levels Sullivan with a double chop. Sullivan fires back with a clothesline. Lee sends Sullivan flying across the ring with a pounce. Sullivan falls to the outside. Lee takes Sullivan out with a slingshot corkscrew splash to the outside! Sullivan kicks out. Lee misses a moonsault. Sullivan hits the Freak Accident for the win!

Winner- Lars Sullivan

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