WWE RAW spoilers

WWE RAW Results (11/26): Baron Corbin Draws A Line In The Sand, Alexa Bliss Gets A Promotion, Seth Rollins Defends The IC Title, More

 In Ring Q&A: Alexa Bliss Sasha Banks and Bayley
Bliss makes fun of the crowd before selecting someone to ask a question. The first question is “is there anything you would change about the women’s roster?” Bayley says she wouldn’t change anything. Banks says she would ship Bliss back to Smackdown. Bayley says she wouldn’t ship Bliss back to Smackdown, Bayley would send Bliss back to hell where she came from. Fox, Mickie James, and Dana Brooke attack Banks and Bayley from behind. Banks and Bayley clear the ring. Bliss walks away angry.
Baron Corbin vs Finn Bálor
Corbin attacks Bálor from behind. Corbin goes right into a chin lock. Bálor fires up and stomps Corbin. Corbin rolls outside. Bálor hits a PK on the apron. After the break, Corbin sends Bálor into the barricade. Corbin rolls into the ring and tells the referee to count. Bálor eventually makes his way to the apron.  Bálor tries a springboard but Corbin punches Bálor out of the air. Bálor tries to fire up again but Corbin blasts him with a stiff clothesline.
Corbin cover’s Bálor with both legs hooked but Bálor will not stay down. Bálor lands a chop followed by the sling blade. Bálor calls for the shotgun dropkick. Corbin reverses it into the deep six. Bálor kicks out yet again. Sling blade by Bálor. Bálor goes up top but Corbin rolls out of the ring. Corbin grabs a mic and says this is now a two-on-one handicap match. Corbin and McIntyre vs Bálor. McIntyre walks to the ring. Bálor hits a tope on McIntyre. Bálor sends Corbin into the timekeeper’s area. McIntyre attacks Bálor from behind. McIntyre Claymore kicks Bálor for the win.
Winners- Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre
After the match, Lashley and Rush hit the ring and attack Bálor. Corbin drops Bálor with the end of days. McIntyre hits another Claymore for good measure.
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