WWE Survivor Series Results (11/18): Raw Battles Smackdown Live For Brand Supremacy, Charlotte Flair Destroys Ronda Rousey, Daniel Bryan Goes Face-To-Face With Brock Lesnar, More

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Buddy Murphy (c) vs Mustafa Ali

Murphy drives Ali into the corner. Ali blast Murphy with a stiff forearm. Murphy tosses Ali into the corner. Snapping hurricanrana by Ali. Ali superkicks Murphy. Murphy falls to the outside. Senton splash off the top to the outside by Ali. Ali sends Murphy into the ring. Ali doesn’t even get a one count. Ali goes up top. Murphy pushes Ali off the top. Ali lands back first on the barricade. Murphy tosses Ali back into the ring. high backdrop by Murphy. Ali kicks out. Ali slingshots Murphy into the ring post. Popup dropkick by Ali. Ali tries his rolling x-factor but Murphy catches Ali and tosses him to the outside. Tope by Murphy. Ali superkicks Murphy. Reverse frankensteiner by Ali. Murphy kicks out.

Ali hits a spinning DDT while Murphy is caught in the ropes. Ali drags Murphy into the corner for the 054. Murphy pushes Ali off the top rope yet again. Murphy tries to put Ali through the announce table. Ali escapes. Ali leaps back up to the announce table and hits a Spanish fly off the table to the floor. Double powerbomb by Murphy. Ali kicks out. Murphy tries Murphy’s Law. Ali escapes. Ali leaps off the second rope right into a leaping knee by Murphy. Murphy hits Murphy’s Law for the win.

Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Championship, Buddy Murphy!

WWE Survivor Series Results Continue On The Next Page!


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