SIXTH MATCH: World Tag League Tournament Match: The Besties (Chuckie T & Beretta) vs. The Elite (Hangman Page & Yujiro Takahashi)
Yujiro & Chuckie T start the match. Yujiro gets the advantage early. Chuckie T evades some strikes and gets a rollup for two.
Beretta tags in. Beretta and Chuckie T hit a double back elbow. Beretta & Chuckie hug. Page tags in. Beretta hits a dropkick. Beretta hits a Northern Lights Suplex for two.
Page hits a Fallaway Slam. Page takes out both Besties. Page sends Beretta into Yujiro’s boot. Yujiro tags in.
Yujiro drops Beretta. Yujiro covers for two. Yujiro goes after Beretta’s eyes. Yujiro hits a leg drop for two.
Page tags in. Yujiro hits a sliding dropkick. Page hits a shooting star press for two.
Beretta fights back. Page sends Beretta into the corner. Beretta hits a huge lariat. Chuckie T tags in.
Chuckie takes out Page and Yujiro and hits a huge dive to the outside. Chuckie gets Page back in the ring. Chuckie hits a huge knee strikes. Chuckie hits an Asai DDT for two.
Page ducks a moonsault. Yujiro tags in. Yujiro hits a Yakuza Kick. Chuckie hits Sole Food. Beretta tags in.
Chuckie and Beretta hits a slam/cutter for two. Yujiro and Beretta trade strikes. Yujiro hits a leg trip/sliding dropkick. Beretta hits a Tornado DDT. Yujiro counters Gobstopper with a German Suplex. Hangman Page hits Buckshot Lariat. Yujiro gets a nearfall.
Page takes Chuckie T to the outside. Page tags in. Beretta fights off the double team.
Page hits a powerbomb for two. Yujiro tags in. Besties counter a double team with STRONG ZERO on Yujiro for the pinfall.
WINNERS: The Besties (2 pts)