Scott Hall
(Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images)

Scott Hall Talks Crown Jewel, Hulk Hogan’s Return, & Offers To Bring The nWo To Saudi Arabia

Scott Hall Talks Crown Jewel, Hulk Hogan’s Return, & Offers To Bring The nWo To Saudi Arabia
Scott Hall at the Starrcast NWO Panel – September 1, 2018, Schaumburg, IL (Photo: Dominic DeAngelo)

WWE Hall of Famer Scott Hall was recently interviewed by The Hannibal TV and commented about the controversy surrounding WWE’s Saudi Arabian Crown Jewel show, as well as Hulk Hogan’s recent return,

Kevin [Nash] and I just did an nWo reunion last weekend at Hulk’s Beach Shop in Orlando with the WWE blessing. It’s the first time Hulk’s been welcomed back into the fold and I’m happy he’s back. There’s a lot of backlash, but I saw JBL on a show last weekend talking about – by boycotting stuff, that doesn’t solve anything. He used Cuba as a reference. We boycotted Cuba forever and what did that get us? Nothing. Nothing changed there. The people, their quality of life never improved, so I agree with that. Staying away’s not the answer. Plus, we’re not a bunch of politicians. We’re entertainers. We’re rasslers. We’re not involved in all that global stuff. I’d be happy to go Vince [McMahon]. If you want to bring the nWo over there next time, let me know.”

(Transcription Credit: Michael McClead, WrestleZone)

WWE came under mainstream scrutiny for its most recent Saudi Arabian show, especially in light of the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Hogan did make his WWE return at the show after being released from the company in 2015 due to racist remarks he made years earlier. According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE made the a calculated decision bring Hulk Hogan ‘back into the fold’ at the Crown Jewel,

“In its own weird way, the Hogan return gets him back at a time when his return will end up having less controversy than ever before…Hogan was always coming back, it was just a matter of time before they felt the backlash would be minimal. And if anything, for those who would be upset, Hogan saying some racist words 13 years ago hardly comes across as a major issue as compared to dismembering someone in an embassy and thinking it could be covered up. But evidently the company wanted to low-key his return, like Saudi Arabia.”

Readers interested in watching Hall’s interview in its entirety may do so below.


RELATED: REPORT – WWE’s Thinking On Hulk Hogan Return 


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