SEVENTH MATCH: RPW British Heavyweight Championship Match: Tomohiro Ishii (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki
Suzuki and Ishii start the match with running strikes. Ishii and Suzuki take turns beating the snot out of each other in the corner. Ishii counters a Sleeper. Suzuki counters an Enziguiri. Ishii ducks a Penalty Kick. They stare each other down.
They trade elbows. They do this for minutes. They. Just. Keep. Hitting. Each. Other.
Suzuki staggers to the ropes. Ishii gives chase. Suzuki goes for a rope hung armbar and both men fight to the floor.
They get back in the ring. Ishii chops away on Suzuki to no effect. Suzuki hits a series of stiff kicks. Ishii falls to the canvas. Suzuki rolls Ishii to the floor.
Ishii gets back in the ring. Suzuki knees him in the gut. Suzuki keeps up the assault to the midsection. Suzuki keeps kicking Suzuki. Suzuki slams his knee into Suzuki’s ribs repeatedly. Ishii starts to fight back. Suzuki drops Ishii with a palm strike to the ribs. Ishii elbows Suzuki in the face. Suzuki stomps away on Ishii. Ishii leaps to his feet and chops Suzuki’s throat. Ishii corners Suzuki. Ishii continues to chop the throat. They go back to exchanging elbow strikes. They stagger each other with huge blows.
This elbow strike exchange goes on for upwards of five minutes. It gets kinda hard to watch.
Ishii comes back with a flurry of elbows. Suzuki sends Ishii to the canvas with a series of elbow strikes. Suzuki hits a series of mid kicks. Suzuki hits a sliding Yakuza Kick for two.
Suzuki hits a Penalty Kick to no effect. Suzuki hits a second Penalty Kick to no effect. Suzuki hits a series of forearm blows to no effect. Ishii staggers Suzuki with an elbow shot. Ishii hits a corner lariat. Ishii gets Suzuki on the top rope. Ishii hits a Powerbomb. Ishii counters a Rear Naked Choke. Ishii stomps on the back of Suzuki’s head. They exchange palm strikes. Suzuki hits a Yakuza Kick. They exchange slaps. Slapfight ensues. Ishii hits a headbutt. Ishii counters a Rear Naked. Ishii hits a Vertical Suplex. Suzuki hits a dropkick. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Ishii counters the Gotch Style Piledriver. Ishii hits a lariat. Suzuki hits a forearm. Suzuki hist a series of elbows. Suzuki locks in a front choke. Ishii counters the Gotch Piledriver with a Reverse Tombstone Piledriver. Ishii hits a huge lariat for two.
Ishii hits a headbutt to the jaw. Ishii hits a sliding lariat. Suzuki counters the Brainbuster. Ishii counters the Rear Naked. Slap fight. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Ishii hits an Enziguiri. Ishii hits a lariat. Ishii hits a lariat. Ishii hits a Vertical Drop Brainbuster for the pinfall.