Chris Jericho
Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW Power Struggle Results (11/3) Road To Wrestle Kingdom Begins

SIXTH MATCH: NEVER Openweight Championship Match: Taichi (c) vs. Hirooki Goto

Taichi attacks Goto with a Saito Suplex before the bell. Goto is knocked out. Taichi covers but breaks up his own pinfall.

Taichi tauntingly kicks Goto into the corner. Taichi throws the refree down and pulls Goto out of the ring. Taichi drags Goto into the crowd. Taichi throws Goto into a section of seating. Taichi hits Goto with a chair. Taichi returns to the ring. Goto beats the count at 19. Taichi covers Goto for two.

Taichi chokes Goto. Taichi maintains dominance. Goto fights to his feet. Goto fights Taichi into the corner. Goto hits a huge kick to the chest. Goto hits a Corner Spinning Heel Kick. Goto hits a Saito Suplex for two.

Taichi rakes Goto’s eyes. Goto blocks a Buzzsaw Kick. Taichi kicks Goto’s leg. They trade kicks and forearms. Taichi hits a huge mid kick. Taichi hits another mid kick. Taichi stomps away on Goto. Taichi kicks at Goto’s head. Taichi hits an enziguiri. Taichi hits a Buzzsaw Kick for two.

Taichi rips off his pants. Goto blocks the Thrust Kick. Goto hits Ushiguroshi. Taichi fights back. Taichi rakes the eyes. Taichi hits a Western Lariat. Goto blocks the Last Ride Powerbomb. Goto hits Shouten. Taichi shoves the ref. Taichi counters GTR. Taichi hits a low blow. Taichi rolls up Goto with a Gedo Clutch for two.

Taichi hits a lariat. Taichi hits an Enziguiri. Taichi hits Last Ride Powerbomb for two.

Goto counters Air Raid Crash. Goto hits Reverse GTR. Taichi grabs the NEVER Belt. Taichi shoves the referee. Goto hits a headbutt. Goto hits Ushiguroshi. Goto hits a mid kick for two.

Taichi counters GTR. Goto hits Shouten Kai. Goto hits GTR for the pinfall.