MAIN EVENT: IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Kota Ibushi vs. Cody
All three lock up. Rhodes tosses Ibushi out of the ring. Rhodes hits Omega with a tackle. Rhodes hits Omega with a throat thrust. Omega rolls out of the ring. Ibushi enters.
Ibushi & Rhodes lock up. Rhodes hits a shoulder tackle. Ibushi kips up. Ibushi hits a dropkick. Rhodes rolls to the floor. Omega stops the Golden Triangle Moonsault. Rhodes pummels Omega and Ibushi. Ibushi hits a mid kick. Omega hits a Kotaru Krusher. Ibushi covers Rhodes. Omega pulls Ibushi off Rhodes.
Omega and Ibushi squabble. Rhodes hits a Release Vertical Suplex. Rhodes slides out of the ring and slams Ibushi into the arena floor. Rhodes gets back in the ring. Rhodes and Omega exchange blows. Rhodes hits a knee to the gut. Cody covers for two.
Cody slides out of the ring. Ibushi throws Rhodes into the barricade. Rhodes tosses Ibushi into the crowd. Rhodes gets back in the ring. Omega and Rhodes exchange blows. Rhodes hits a back body drop for two.
Rhodes gets sent to the floor. Omega hits Rise of The Terminator on Rhodes. Omega throws Rhodes back into the ring. Ibushi gets back in the ring. Omega hits a Rolling Fireman’s Carry. Omega blindsides Ibushi with a One Winged Angel attempt, but Ibushi fights out. Omega and Ibushi exchange blows. Omega dodges a corner strike. Rhodes hits Omega with a Powerslam. Ibushi slams Rhodes. Ibushi hits a Moonsault for two.
Rhodes fights back. Rhodes and Omega go for a double suplex, but Rhodes rolls up Omega for two. Rhodes hits Omega with a Thrust Kick. Omega hits a chop. Rhodes blocks a Snap Dragon Suplex. Rhodes locks in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Omega locks Ibushi in an ankle lock. Ibushi kicks Rhodes. Ibushi hits Omega with a standing moonsault. Rhodes breaks the Leg Lock.
Rhodes ducks a Penalty Kick and blocks a Standing Moonsault. Omega hits Rhodes with a Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega hits Ibushi with Aoi Shoudou. Omega hits Rhodes with a Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega goes for V-Trigger but gets hit with a springboard dropkick from Ibushi. Rhodes hits Ibushi with a Springboard Dropkick. Rhodes hits Ibushi with a Hammerlock DDT for two.
Cody does pushups. Cody poses. Cody attacks Ibushi’s arm. Rhodes hits Omega with a Suicide Dive. Rhodes blocks Ibushi from Golden Triangle. Omega stops Rhodes from hitting Ibushi with Cross Rhodes on the apron. Ibushi blocks Cross Rhodes. Omega Powerbombs Rhodes through an announce table. Ibushi hits Omega with a Golden Phoenix Splash.
Omega gets back in the ring. Ibushi teases Springboard Dropkick. Ibushi gets back in the ring.They trade blows. They trade elbows. They trade kicks. Ibushi unleashes a flurry of kicks on Omega. Omega hits a huge blow to Ibushi. Omega hits a Snap Dragon Suplex. Ibushi counters V-Trigger. Omega counters a German Suplex. Omega hits a V-Trigger. Omega hits a Reverse Hurricanrana. Ibushi hits a lariat. Ibushi climbs the top rope but Rhodes comes from out of nowhere and shoves Ibushi to the arena floor. Rhodes climbs the top rope. Rhodes hits a Canadian Destroyer on Omega for two.
Rhodes goes for Vertebreaker but Omega counters. Omega hits a Spinning Back Heel Kick to Rhode’s skull. Omega hits Rhodes with V-Trigger. Omega puts Rhodes on the top rope. Omega goes for an Avalanche Dragon Suplex but Rhodes fights out. Ibushi climbs the top rope but Omega pulls Ibushi down. Omega climbs the top rope but Ibushi hits a back kick. Omega counters a Lawn Dart from Ibushi. Omega powerbombs Ibushi into Cody. Cody falls into a Tree Of Woe. Omega hits Ibushi with a Death Valley Driver for two.
Omega hits Ibushi with V-Trigger. Ibushi counters One Winged Angel. Ibushi Lawn Darts Omega into Cody. Ibushi hits Rhodes with a Deadlift German Suplex while Omega powerbombs Ibushi. Omega hits Ibushi with V-Trigger. Omega hits Rhodes with V-Trigger. Rhodes counters One Winged Angel with a Powerbomb/German Suplex combo with Ibushi. Rhodes covers Omega but Ibushi breaks up the pinfall.
Rhodes hits Omega with Disaster Kick. Rhodes slides out of the ring. Rhodes finds a table. Rhodes sets up the table. Rhodes slams Omega on the table. Rhodes gets back in the ring. Ibushi fights out of a powerbomb. Omega goes for a springboard but Cody pushes him through the table.
Rhodes climbs the top rope. Ibushi climbs the top rope. Ibushi hits a Superplex but Rhodes counters with a Small Package for two.
Ibushi hits Rhodes with a mid kick. Ibushi hits Rhodes with a Sitout Powerbomb for two. Rhodes ducks Kamigoye. Ibushi hits a Straight Jacket for one. Ibushi hits Rhodes with Kamigoye but Omega stops the referee’s hand from counting three.
Omega tries to console Ibushi. Omega tells Ibushi to “know your place.” Ibushi unleashes a flurry of palm strikes. Ibushi floors Rhodes with a chop. Omega and Ibushi trade elbows. Ibushi grounds Omega. Ibushi hits a series of mounted palm strikes. Ibushi starts hitting mounted punches. The referee breaks it up. Ibushi hits Omega with Bomaye for two.
Ibushi goes for Kamigoye but Cody pulls Ibushi out of the ring. Rhodes hits Omega with Cross Rhodes. Cody covers but breaks the pin so Ibushi can hit a double stomp. Rhodes hits Omega with Cross Rhodes for two.
Rhodes hits Ibushi with a kick. Rhodes hits a Vertebreaker on Ibushi. Rhodes covers but Omega breaks up the pinfall.
Cody rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. Cody throws the chair down. Cody grabs the IWGP US Title. Cody throws the belt to Nick Jackson. Cody grabs the chair and gets back in the ring. Rhodes stomps on Omega. Ibushi grabs the chair from Cody. Ibushi hits a roundhouse kick. Omega hits Ibushi with a Jay Driller for two. Omega hits Ibushi with V-Trigger. Omega hits Ibushi with One Winged Angel for the pinfall.
After the match, Omega tends to Ibushi and then all three men congratulate each other. Then Omega and Tanahashi face off.