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NJPW King Of Pro Wrestling Results (10/8) Two Factions Expand

EIGHTH MATCH: IWGP Heavyweight Championship Challenge Certificate Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs. Jay White

White immediately flees the ring after the bell. White conferences with Gedo. White gets back in the ring. White and Tanahashi lock up. White gets Tanahashi on the ropes. White breaks. White pummels Tanahashi. Gedo grabs Tanahashi’s leg. White beats Tanahashi out of the ring. White sends Tanahashi into the barricade. Tanahashi sends White into the barricade. Tanahashi hits a dropkick. Tanahashi goes after Gedo. White hits a chop block on Tanahashi. White continues to attack Tanahashi’s leg. White slams Tanahashi’s leg onto the apron. White wraps Tanahashi’s leg around the ring post. Gedo hits Tanahashi’s leg with the briefcase. White gets Tanahashi back in the ring but the referee won’t count the pin.

Tanahashi fights back. White throws Tanahashi out of the ring. Tanahashi tries to Skin The Cat. White attacks Tanahashi’s leg. White traps Tanahashi in the ropes and pummels his back. White pulls Tanahashi’s hair. White stomps away on Tanahashi’s leg. White hits a snapmare. White slaps Okada. Tanahashi fights back. Tanahashi hits a Dragon Screw. Tanahashi hits a Somersault Senton for two.

Tanahashi hits an Inverted Dragon Screw. White counters a Cloverleaf attempt. White suplexes Tanahashi to the floor. White slams Tanahashi into the barricade repeatedly. White grabs a chair. Tanahashi hits a rope-assisted Dragon Screw. Tanahashi hits a High Fly Flow to the floor. Tanahashi rolls White back in the ring.

White chops Tanahashi’s chest. Tanahashi hits a chop. White hits a Complete Shot/German Suplex combo. They trade elbows. They unleash a flurry of strikes on each other. Tanahashi smacks White. White counters Slingblade. Tanahashi counters Blade Runner. White counters Dragon Suplex. Tanahashi counters a Uranage. White counters Twist & Shout. Tanahashi counters a Uranage. They trade elbows. Tanahashi hits Twist & Shout. Tanahashi hits Twist & Shout. Jay Whit hits Twisting Brainbuster. Tanahashi hits Twist & Shout. Tanahashi hits Sling Blade. Tanahashi counters Blade Runner with a Dragon Suplex for two.

Tanahashi climbs to the top rope. Tanahashi hits High Fly Flow Crossbody. Tanahashi climbs the top rope. Tanahashi hits High Fly Flow but Gedo pulls the referee out of the ring before he can count three.

Tanahashi dodges a brass knuckle shot from Gedo. White hits Tanahashi with a low blow. White grabs a chair. Tanahashi hits a low blow. Tanahashi bodyslams White onto the chair. Tanahashi climbs the top rope. White dodges High Fly Flow and Tanahashi lands on the chair. White throws the chair at Tanahashi’s head. White yells for Gedo to get the referee. Tanahashi counters Blade Runner with a Small Package for the pinfall.


After the match, White attacks Tanahashi’s leg/ White goes for Blade Runner but Okada runs in to save Tanahashi. Okada beats up White and Gedo. Jado runs in to play peacemaker.

The BC OGs run in and point at Okada. They grab Gedo and Jado. Tama tells Okada to hit Gedo. Okada goes for a lariat but Tama hits Gun Stun. JADO, GEDO AND JAY WHITE JOIN THE BEATDOWN. JAY WHITE DOES A TWO SWEET. JADO, GEDO AND JAY WHITE HAVE JOINED THE BC OGS!