Impact starts with a video package from last week, focusing on Ethan Carter and Kurt Angle. Josh Mathews is on…
Please send in your questions to or post them on our forum at this link. Feel free to leave…
10) Finn Balor The former Prince Devitt bringing his “Demon” to the big stage of WWE against the ice cold…
Kevin Owens Talks Respect After a loss from John Cena at WWE Money in the Bank, Kevin Owens says he…
Millions of Dollars, Millions of Dollars Money in the Bank featured one championship change, as Titus O’Neil and Darren Young…
As an ex-wrestler said not long after Dusty Rhodes shuffled off this mortal coil, “You can tell who the real…
10. Money in the Bank:Devil’s Favorite Banker July 18, 2010 Kane came out of nowhere with an incredible 2010, finding…
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Kurt Angle is Still the Man The TNA World Heavyweight Champion faces two opponents in the night. To kick things…
The Kevin Owens–John Cena feud is interesting on every level. Owens is one of a new breed, an Internet darling,…
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Kevin Owens vs. Neville Raw starts with John Cena talking about Kevin Owens and their match on Sunday. The NXT…
So… to whom did you hand the power? A massive, all-time record 19,000+ votes were tallied in less than 24 hours,…
To celebrate the five year anniversary of The Nexus first making its impact on the landscape of WWE – and…
WRESTLEZONE RECAP –Your Sunday Paper For Pro Wrestling News– June 7, 2015 WWE NEWS -Tyson Kidd suffered what may be…
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Prime Time Players Number 1 Contenders On Smackdown, Titus O’Neil and Darren Young win a Triple Threat Match over The…
Lashley vs Eric Young EY tries to be the cowardly heel, running away and trying to connect with quick punches…