#4.) His feud with Seth Rollins started earlier than you think
Today we know Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins as the kind who are great friends but better enemies. Their feuds between 2014-2016 proved that they have incredible chemistry with each other and will eventually go down as career-making rivals. However, their rivalry had actually started much earlier during their days in FCW.
Back in the developmental territory, Rollins, and Ambrose, then called Tyler Black and Jon Moxley were big independent stars and considered major prospects in the WWE. When Ambrose had signed with WWE in 2011, he was instantly put in a feud with Seth Rollins, challenging for the FCW 15 Championship. They would have a trilogy of Iron Man matches, being 15, 20 and 30 minutes respectively.
Interestingly enough, all three of those matches were draws, with Rollins winning in overtime in the final bout. It was clear from then on that there was something special between the two of them.
Next Page: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Dean Ambrose