Say It Ain’t So: Beloved Babyfaces Who Turned Into Despicable Heels

#4.) Bret Hart

This is a more unconventional example since Bret Hart’s heel turn in 1997 was region-exclusive, in the sense that he was a heel in the United States but a babyface outside of it. Despite this, it was hard to imagine Hart ever being a heel, but that’s the power of a really good story. Moreover, the double turn with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin at WrestleMania turned out to be a catalyst for Austin’s rise as a face and Hart’s descent into being a heel.

During his time in 1997, he was undoubtedly a despicable heel with the New Hart Foundation, even if it was just for a few months before the Montreal Screwjob.

Next Page: 5 Beloved Babyfaces Who Turned Into Despicable Heels