#3.) WrestleMania 24 retirement
Although it’ll be revisionist history, for a minute, let’s pretend that his TNA run never happened. His WrestleMania 24 retirement match was absolutely perfect in every sense of the word. He faced the most worthy opponent possible in Shawn Michaels and even during his entrance, you could see him trying to hold back the tears.
The match was emotional and everything you could possibly want, with Flair going out with a bang. The iconic finish shaw HBK utter the words “I’m sorry, I love you” before putting his career to an end. Even before he would get the pin, Flair couldn’t control his tears. It was one of the most emotional moments in wrestling history, but the greatest of all time deserved the greatest farewell on the grandest stage.
Next Page: Ric Flair’s 5 Most Iconic Moments