Alexa Confronts Sasha

Nothing too much to note about their interaction tonight, as Sasha bragged about beating Alexa at SummerSlam, leading Bliss to come out on WWE RAW to confront Banks. Bliss says that the fanboys in Brooklyn do not deserve to see her fight again, so she booked her rematch for next week on WWE RAW.
Both women are the best that WWE RAW has to offer right now. I would have let Alexa invoke it in a few weeks at No Mercy instead, but I do not see next week being a clean finish either way. I would not have someone like Dana Brooke, Emma or Mickie James get involved somehow to add more layers to the women’s division.
John Cena and Roman Reigns defeated Samoa Joe and The Miz
The Miz cut another excellent promo earlier in the night, wanting to know where his moment is. He bashes Cena and Reigns in a very hostile crowd in Brooklyn. This leads to Samoa Joe coming out and wanting to team with Miz to fight Cena and Reigns. In the match, Reigns gets a hot tag and clotheslines Miz to the outside. He unloads clotheslines to Joe in the corner and then tries to hit a Superman Punch. Joe catches him and plants him on the mat. Miz gets tossed back in the ring and tries to stop Roman. Miz moves away from Cena’s 5 moves of doom and Joe gets in to choke him out. Reigns hits a Superman Punch accidentally on Cena. He slugs Joe in the face, but Miz is the legal man. A Skull Crushing Finale turns into an AA for the win. Roman and John stare at one another after the win.
Another WM caliber feud seems to be picking up steam, but I doubt we get Cena vs. Reigns at No Mercy. This tag team match was great and I would love to see this feud brew for months. With Cena’s schedule, you can see him possibly facing Samoa Joe a few times and Roman moving to The Miz. The Miztourage, natural heels, could easily help fans slowly turn back to cheering Roman a bit more than booing. The boos will never go away, but giving us Reigns vs. Cena only after a few weeks on WWE RAW would not be the best decision financially.
A great tag team match ended WWE RAW on a high note and a big applause to Samoa Joe for carrying the match and most of the intrigue throughout.
@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE RAW Rating: