The Hardy Boyz vs. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

Ambrose whips Rollins into the corner onto Jeff. Ambrose and Rollins are making quick tags, taking turns beating down Jeff. Jeff manages to hit the whisper in the wind on both Rollins and Ambrose.
Jeff tags in Matt, who dumps Ambrose over the top rope. Matt grabs Rollins and slams him head first into each turnbuckle. Running clothesline followed by a running bulldog. Second rope elbow by Matt. Ambrose tags in a behind Matt’s back. Ambrose and Rollins hit the Hart Attack Slingblade. Jeff breaks up the pin. Ambrose and Rollins send the Hardyz out of the ring. Double suicide dives by Ambrose and Rollins. Matt side effects Rollins on the apron! Ambrose goes for the lunatic lariat but Matt counters into the side effect. Matt hits the Twist of Fate. Rollins runs into the ring and superkicks Matt. Jeff tosses Rollins out of the ring. Jeff attempts the swanton but Ambrose gets his knees up. Rollins hits the ripcord V-Trigger Jeff falls into the Dirty Deeds by Ambrose. Ambrose pins Jeff.
WWE RAW gave a fan friendly tag team match that was great. This was just as good as you can get right now in the division on the night after a major Pay-Per-View. They were given plenty of time, multiple kick outs and I enjoyed how the match ended clean. A random loss against the champions will not hurt Matt and Jeff. I would love to see this be a feud that continues, sprinkling in the former champions and a face turned Club. The depth in the division is great and all teams possess a different offensive strategy. You can see the fans are loving Seth and Dean, so roll with them for the next few months as champions.
Finn Balor defeated Jason Jordan
Jordan put on a great showing tonight against Finn. He countered Bálor’s striking and high-flying with his amateur wrestling ground and pound. He hit a big splash into the corner, but then tried another one later and missed. Finn reversed the attempted finisher from Jordan and took over with a running dropkick into the corner. That set up a Coup de Grâce to seal the deal.
As much as it pissed me off to see the crowd throw a beach ball around the arena, I still stayed invested in this match. A few reasons and all of them are positive. Finn Balor works well with anyone, but Jason Jordan was really smooth in the ring tonight. He is getting crushed because of a bad storyline and that is not his fault. Finn continues his winning ways and I wonder what is next for him. Will he chase the IC title? Will he continue a feud with Bray Wyatt? If I am WWE, I try and make the Intercontinental Championship AS important as what Smackdown Live is trying to do with the United States Championship. Finn, Miz, Roman, and Elias are just a few names that could help this championship feel fresh and important.