Doubling Up Six Man Tag Team Matches

WWE RAW featured two six man tag team matches. The first saw Finn Balor and The Hardy Boyz defeat Elias Samson, Cesaro and Sheamus. While this match should have gone to the heels and give a nice win to a guy like Samson, it is hard to argue the energy and excitement behind two completely different feuds. Finn was ramping up a championship run a year ago, while Samson was floating (or drifting around) NXT at this time. The Hardy’s were in TNA and trying to make a sinking ship sail again, while Sheamus and Cesaro were not even a thought as a tag team. Time changes everything and this match showcased just that.
When I look at the ring work, there is no doubt that Finn Balor and Jeff Hardy are very similar. Both rely on kicks and more lower body offense, while the tag champs and Matt are more of the power guys. It was a versatile combination on WWE RAW and one that was enjoyable.
While I like the idea of “Miztourage,” I am officially not in love with who they put with him. They should have grabbed two completely different guys than Axel and Dallas. I would have liked to see Curt Hawkins over Axel, especially since he looks more clean cut, more professional and could get the rub off of Miz. Instead of Dallas, why wouldn’t you bring an NXT guy up and put him with Miz? What about a guy like Andrade Cien Almas? He looks rich, he looks successful and he has been booked as a jobber to the next NXT acquisition.
With these guys in a six man tag team match against Dean Ambrose, Heath Slater and Rhyno nobody really cared who win. It was another week of just trying to make more average guys important. I want them to be utilized, but they all seem out of place. Is this a way of WWE trying to throw crap at a wall and see what sticks? The match was just okay, but the importance was not there.
The Ball Family on WWE RAW
LaVar Ball and his family came to WWE RAW in Los Angeles and appeared on MizTV. Mainstream attention on WWE RAW with this family, who is as loud and obnoxious as I have seen, was okay with me. I knew why they did it, it did not take up too much time and got eyes on their product. As stupid as the segment may have been from a wrestling fan perspective, it only took up 10 minutes of a 3 hour and 10 minute show. Quit complaining and understand the bigger picture.