Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins

These two guys work so well together. From the Rollins splash moves to Roman Reigns connecting with his arsenal of offense, their timing is great. Seth Rollins hit a beautiful blockbuster for a two count, followed by a Frog Splash. Back and forth each men went, with Rollins really crushing him with quick kicks and punches. Roman ducked a knee and connected with a Spear for the win.
Hell, Roman Reigns worked a great match and has to thank Seth Rollins as well. I was able to watch Extreme Rules from a year ago and that really showed that Reigns can work with anyone, but works best with the faster and more athletic types. It keeps him on his feet and his explosive moves look even better. A great main event ended the night and we had a feeling that Roman Reigns would head into Extreme Rules with a win. Roman and Joe stand strong tonight, but I am not sure if that is a precursor to Extreme Rules.
However you look at it, WWE RAW has given us 5 guys that all could win on Sunday and provide a fresh feud. Yes, Brock has faced two of them before, but there is still so much more in the tank where they could reignite those feuds.