Samoa Joe defeated Cesaro

Cesaro fights out of the corner and takes Joe over with a stalling gut wrench suplex. Cesaro attempts a European uppercut in the corner, but Joe back body drops him over the top rope. Cesaro is favoring his knee. Cesaro dives off the top for a cross body for a two count. Joe picks up Cesaro and hits a seated double knee breaker. Joe hits his falling corner Enziguri. Joe sets up a suplex, but Cesaro reverses it into a deadlift suplex of his own. Cesaro and Joe trade strike. Joe slaps on a rolling knee bar. Cesaro reverses it into what was almost the Sharpshooter, but Joe punches his way out of it. Cesaro lands ten European uppercuts on Joe. Modified Alpamare Waterslide for a two count by Cesaro. Cesaro tries to lock in the swing, but Joe fights out of it. Cesaro lands a double stomp to Joe to stop his momentum. Cesaro sets up the Neutralizer, but Joe back body drops him out of it. Cesaro lands on his feet and attempts the springboard European uppercut. Joe pushes Cesaro so he gets hung up in the ropes. Joe whips Cesaro into the ropes and hits a Uranage suplex for the victory.
After the match, Joe is asked how he has been able to make such an impact on Raw. Joe says he came her to hurt people. This serves as a reminder to everyone in the back. It doesn’t matter what you accomplished or who you are, none of it matters. Sami Zayn’s music hits and Zayn attacks Joe from behind. Referees separate Joe and Zayn. Zayn dives off the stage with a topé to take out Joe.
Well, finally a strong and developed match tonight with plenty to discuss. First, Cesaro did not get booked to look weak tonight. I love that they decided to let these bruisers fight and fight hard. It gave us more of a look at the overall product that is Samoa Joe. Cesaro also carried the offense early only to let Joe shine at the end. Smart and logical booking. Lastly, Samoa Joe and Sami Zayn have a great history as well and that is going to be a show stealing match on Sunday. I really have enjoyed what they have done with Joe and how they are slowly bringing him around to the main event roster. An injury caused to Rollins, as unfortunate as it is, makes Joe look even more dangerous. His nickname works and this was the best segment of the night because it was just so simple and stripped down to the bare essentials.
Jack Gallagher and TJ Perkins defeated Neville and Tony Nese
Again, nothing too much to note here aside from hyping up 205 Live on Tuesday, where Neville will address the entire Cruiserweight Division. Luckily, I think this is where Austin Aries can plant his seed as the guy who faces Neville at WrestleMania. Start it then and continue to add more and more in the next two weeks. I have enjoyed Gallagher on WWE RAW, but the carousel of talent is too much right now.