Charlotte and Nia Jax defeated Bayley and Sasha Banks

Jax tosses Banks into the corner and says she wants Bayley. Banks tags in Bayley, who immediately eats a bodyslam by Jax. Bayley lands a few strikes. Jax almost suplexes Bayley, but Bayley reverses it. Banks tags herself in Jax clotheslines Bayley and elbows Banks. Jax tags in Charlotte, who lands a few chops. Bayley fires up and lands a few punches. Bayley and Banks double arm drag Charlotte. Running double knees to Charlotte by Banks. Banks sends Charlotte over with a spinning head scissors.
Bayley is back in. Brooke tries to trip Bayley but ends up tripping Charlotte. Bayley rolls to the outside and Bayley to Bellys Brooke for good measure. After the break, Banks lands a few dropkicks on Jax. Banks tries to walk the ropes and take Jax over with an arm drag, but Jax cuts her off and hits a rib breaker. Charlotte and Jax take turns beating down Banks. Banks manages to tag in Bayley, who cleans house. Bayley manages to get only a one count after a back suplex. Jax tags herself in as Bayley hangs Charlotte up on the ropes.JAx runs over Bayley. Banks goes up top for a cross body, but Jax catches her and bodyslams her on top of Bayley. Jax hits the ropes and crushes Bayley with a running leg drop for the win.
A solid tag team match and another big spotlight on Nia Jax, who is constantly winning matches and beating the other legit women in the WWE RAW Women’s division. First a promo and then about 15 minutes of a match gave us more than enough action from these talented ladies. As you can see, WWE is going to have a hard time NOT giving the title to Nia Jax in the near future. The only problem with that is Bayley’s short title reign, another title reign from Charlotte and a final switch to Nia Jax.
When will WWE make a decision and let one woman dominate for more than 2-3 months. A continuous swap of the title is really not helping anyone. Bayley isn’t as over as she used to be, while Charlotte is still miles better than anyone else and Sasha still gets the crowd reaction.
Akira Tozawa defeated Noam Dar
Unfortunately, I have no interest in either of these guys. WWE has done nothing to make me invest my time and interest in these two. Noam Dar had some momentum, but that was shot down pretty quick. Why? Because there seems to be a flavor of the week every week in the Cruiserweight Division. Save us, Austin Aries.
Sheamus defeated Titus O’Neil
A match made because of a Facebook live argument in catering earlier today. Sheamus hits a big Brogue Kick after an early attack to pick up the easy win. Again, another guy floating around obscurity and unimportant storylines. Sheamus and Cesaro seem to have had their gold rubbed off recently. A loss a week ago in clean fashion to Enzo and Cass makes this tag team potentially going their separate ways once again. I would prefer them being a heel tag team and going after the titles. Enough of this “Odd Couple” mentality. Get on the same page and dominate like we know they can. It also does not help anyone that Chris Jericho is United States Champion, which means there is no focus on that title for the past month.